Задание 1
Choose the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. Write three forms with a comma (,).
Все формы нужно написать с маленькой буквы через запятую. Не забудьте поставить пробел после каждой запятой. Нумеровать ответы не нужно.
Example answer: has done, have been working, have never tried
1. Help, I (lose) my wallet! How can I get home?
2. She (drink) ten glasses of water!
3. Sorry about the mess! I (bake).
Задание 2
Choose the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. Write three forms with a comma (,).
Все формы нужно написать с маленькой буквы через запятую. Не забудьте поставить пробел после каждой запятой. Нумеровать ответы не нужно.
Example answer: has done, have been working, have never tried
1. I (read) your book all day. It’s very interesting, but I’m only on chapter 2.
2. He (eat) six bars of chocolate today!
3. Julie (cook) dinner. Let’s go and eat!
Задание 3
Choose the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. Write three forms with a comma (,).
Все формы нужно написать с маленькой буквы через запятую. Не забудьте поставить пробел после каждой запятой. Нумеровать ответы не нужно.
Example answer: has done, have been working, have never tried
1. We (meet) Lisa recently.
2. I (wait) three hours already!
3. The baby's face is really dirty. He (eat) chocolate.
Задание 4
Choose the correct spelling:
buss driver
bus driver
bus drive
Задание 5
Read these words and choose the correct translation. Write down three combinations of numbers and letters with a comma (,).
Example answer: 1A, 2B, 3A
1. официантка –
A. waitress
B. pharmacist
2. парикмахер (женский) –
A. hairdresser
B. barber
3. мясник –
A. butcher
B. optician
Задание 6
Complete the text below with the missing words. Write down the combinations of numbers and letters with a comma (,).
Example answer: 1A, 2B, 3C, 4D, 5E, 6F, 7G, 8H
A. stationer's
B. newsagent's
C. greengrocer's
D. take away
E. post office
F. butcher's
G. baker's
H. chemist's
I went to the 1) to get some apples then I got a book of stamps in the 2) . Then I was off to the 3) to get more photocopy paper and some new pens. The 4) was closed so I couldn't get any meat. I thought we would get a Chinese meal from the 5) tonight. Now, I promised the children a cake after dinner so if you're going out could you go to the 6) and get some. See if you can get a loaf of bread while you're there too. Oh yes, and could you pop into the 7) and get my Homes and Garden magazine and today's paper. We also need more shampoo so can you remember to get some in the 8) .
Задание 7
Read the definitions and choose the right variant.
1. Someone whose job is to repair machines:
2. Someone who is trained to prepare or sell medicines:
3. Someone whose job is to repair or connect water pipes and things like toilets and baths:
Задание 8
Read these definitions and choose the right variant.
1. A shop where you can buy souvenirs:
Gift shop
Clothing shop
2. A shop where you can buy chairs, tables, sofas and other things:
Electronics shop
Furniture shop
3. A shop where you can buy cheese, milk, cream:
Record shop
почему вы пишите что даёте 100 баллов , а на самом деле т50?!