My name is Dasha. I have been dancing since 6 years. I have tried a lot of ways.The first thing my direction - it's ballroom dancing. I studied them for about 5 years and took part in several concerts.The second direction - a school band. I studied them a year and has performed in several school activities.My third direction - a hip-hop. I studied them for several months. This style of dance I did not like.My last direction is the jazz-funk. To them I do 2.5 years. I can safely say that this is my favorite style of dance. Prozanimayas quite a bit, I took part in three concerts dreamed 2 dance videos, actively participated in the jams. After 2 weeks I will take part in a new dance video and pouchavstvuyu first time in Battle.I'm not going to stop there, will continue to develop in the dances.
1. to open 2. ing 3. ing 4. look at 5. to announce 6. quitting 7. selling it 8. describing
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