1. Reading (6 points)
1) Read the text about a new supermarket. Answer the question below
the text.
On the walls of an underground station in central Seoul, South Korea,
there are a lot of pictures of food and drinks: bananas, meat, rice,
coffee, even pet food. But these are not advertisements. This is the
world's first 'virtual' supermarket, called Homeplus.
The supermarket is unusual because you use the special Homeplus
app on your smartphone to go shopping. When you want to buy
something, you use this app to scan the barcodes of the products
you want. You put them in your opline shopping trolley and then you
pay by phone. You haven't got any heavy bags to carry because the
supermarket delivers everything to your house for you.
South Koreans like shopping online and millions of them have
smartphones, but are they ready for this type of shopping? 'Young
Koreans use their smartphones to do a lot of different tasks every
day,' says a Homeplus virtual store manager, 'Our customers work
really hard and don't have enough time to go to the supermarket
Our store helps them save time.' So, is this the future?
1. Where is the supermarket?
2. What can you buy at the supermarket?
Валенти́на Влади́мировна Терешко́ва - советский космонавт, первая в мире женщина-космонавт, генерал-майор (1995). Герой Советского Союза (1963), Герой Социалистического Труда ЧССР (1963), Герой Социалистического Труда НРБ (1963), Герой Труда Вьетнама (1971), Герой Труда МНР. Кандидат технических наук, профессор. Лётчик-космонавт СССР № 6, 10-й космонавт мира. Единственная в мире женщина, совершившая космический полёт в одиночку. Первая в России женщина в звании генерал-майор. Депутат Государственной думы VI созыва от «Единой России», заместитель председателя комитета Госдумы по международным делам. Член Высшего совета «Единой России»