There are four different seasons in the year and they all are unique. They please and surprise us with beauty and natural phenomena. All children and adults have their favorite season. Someone likes spring, someone likes summer, someone waits for autumn and winter. Every time of the year, just like a person has his own mood. There are people who love all seasons.
Many people like summer. This is the time of rest and vacations. This season provides an excellent opportunity to go to the sea and sunbathe. In the summer season, many berries, fruits, and vegetables are ripening. Days are getting longer and hotter, the nights are shorter. You have an opportunity to go to the countryside to the lake, have a picnic, take a walk in the wood. But, unfortunately, this time passes very quickly and autumn comes.
Children go to the school. Fall is the golden time, it's time to harvest. Green leaves change its color and please with beautiful contrasts of yellow and orange shades. Birds fly away to the south, animals prepare for the winter season. This time does not last long, comes the turn of heavy rains and cold.
And then winter comes. It pleases us with New Year's holidays and fun. A lot of white, fluffy snow falls. In winter, you can ski, sled, and skate, ride in the mountains, build snowmen. Winter gives us a New Year mood. People begin to prepare for the holiday, decorate the trees, give each other gifts and have fun.
After a cold, frosty winter, spring comes. Everything around comes alive and awakens. The days become longer and warmer. The sun more often makes us happy with its rays. Birds come back and please us with their twitter. The snow melts and the murmurs of streams can be heard. Appears the first grass, flowers. Blossom buds in the trees. Forest animals get out of their holes. May beetles fly in. New life comes, with the arrival of spring.
Magazine is one of the major mass media. Magazine is a collection of articles and stories. Usually magazines also contain illustrations.
The earliest magazines developed from newspapers and booksellers catalogs. Magazines provide information on a wide range of topics such as business, culture, hobbies, medicine, religion, science, and sports. Some magazines entertain their readers with fiction, poetry, photography or articles about TV, or movie stars.
Magazines are designed to be kept for a longer time in comparison to newspapers and that is why they are printed on a better paper and have covers. Magazines, unlike newspapers, do not focus on daily, rapidly changing events.
There are specialized magazines intended for special business, industrial and professional groups, and consumer magazines intended for general public. There are several kinds of consumer magazines.
Children's magazines contain stories, jokes, articles on subjects especially interesting for children and instructions for making games or useful items.
Hobby magazines are intended for collectors of coins, stamps, and other items; people interested in certain sports or games; photography enthusiasts.
Intellectual magazines provide analysis of current cultural and political events. Many of them publish fiction and poetry as well.
Men's magazines focus on such topics as adventure, entertainment, men's fashion and sports.
Women's magazines deal with child-raising, fashion trends, romance. They offer ideas on cooking and home decorating. Many of the monthlies with big circulations are women's magazines.
Журнал является одним из основных средств массовой информации. Журнал представляет собой сборник статей и рассказов. Обычно журналы содержат иллюстрации.
Первые журналы развились из газет и каталогов книжных магазинов. Журналы представляют информацию по широкому кругу вопросов таких как бизнес, культура, хобби, медицина, религия, наука и спорт. Некоторые журналы развлекают своих читателей художественной литературой, стихами, фотографиями или статьями о ТВ, или кинозвездах.
Журналы предназначены для хранения в течение более длительного времени по сравнению с газетами, и именно поэтому они печатаются на более качественной бумаге и имеют обложки. Журналы, в отличие от газет, не сосредотачиваются на ежедневных, быстро изменяющихся событиях.
Существуют специализированные журналы, предназначенные для специальных деловых, промышленных и профессиональных групп и потребительские журналы, предназначенные для широкой общественности. Есть несколько видов потребительских журналов.
Детские журналы содержат рассказы, шутки, статьи по темам, интересным для детей, инструкции для создания игр или полезных вещей.
Журналы хобби, предназначенны для коллекционеров монет, почтовых марок и других предметов; людей, заинтересованных в определенных видах спорта или играх, фотографов-любителей.
Интеллектуальные журналы обеспечивают анализ культурных и политических событий. Многие из них публикуют также художественную литературу и поэзию.
Мужские журналы сосредотачивают внимание на таких темах, как приключения, развлечения, мужская мода и спорт.
Женские журналы имеют дело с воспитанием детей, модными тенденциями, романтикой. Они предлагают идеи для кулинарии и домашнего декора. Многие женские журналы имеют большие тиражи.
Вот One cold winter evening, a certain sixteen-year-old girl was at home alone and watched TV. Her parents went on holiday to friends. The whole day it was snowing heavily, but the girl felt well and cozy, sitting on the sofa in the living room, wrapped in a warm blanket. By midnight, parents had not returned, and she began to feel uneasy. She did not want to call them, so they did not think that she could not take care of herself. The TV stood in the corner of the room next to the large window. She watched the next film, when suddenly she caught a glimpse of something moving in the window. In the dark among the falling snow, she could distinguish the figure of a man walking towards her. As he approached, she could see his face. It was covered with scars, and lips were stretched in an ominous smile. Frightened, the girl froze, not daring to move. The man stood and looked at her silently through the glass. Then he suddenly put his hand into his coat pocket and pulled something out. It was a knife ... Unable to withstand, the girl grabbed the phone from the table by the couch, dialed the police number and held her breath in anticipation of an answer."There's a man outside the window," she whispered, her eyes fixed on the horrible guest. "He's got a knife." Please, come quickly. My address... She sat motionless, minutes passed one after another. The man outside the window still stood and looked directly at her. In the end, the girl heard the sounds of a siren outside and the police began knocking on the door. The girl rushed to the front door, admitting the policemen. They told her that they had not seen anyone near the house and found no traces. "It can not be," said the girl, pointing to the window. "He just stood there when you knocked." You could not miss it."It's impossible," said the officer. - There was no one, and the snow was untouched. With such snow, even if there was someone there recently, he would leave distinct traces."But I saw him with my own eyes!" - the girl insisted."You know, your eyes can play a cruel joke with you," the officer grinned. "Maybe you're watching too many films?" The police were about to leave when, suddenly one of the officers noticed something was amiss. He frowned and went around the sofa on which the girl was sitting. On the carpet behind the sofa there were wet traces and an abandoned knife."You saw a man not outside the window," said the officer. - You looked at his reflection. All this time he stood two steps behind your back
There are four different seasons in the year and they all are unique. They please and surprise us with beauty and natural phenomena. All children and adults have their favorite season. Someone likes spring, someone likes summer, someone waits for autumn and winter. Every time of the year, just like a person has his own mood. There are people who love all seasons.
Many people like summer. This is the time of rest and vacations. This season provides an excellent opportunity to go to the sea and sunbathe. In the summer season, many berries, fruits, and vegetables are ripening. Days are getting longer and hotter, the nights are shorter. You have an opportunity to go to the countryside to the lake, have a picnic, take a walk in the wood. But, unfortunately, this time passes very quickly and autumn comes.
Children go to the school. Fall is the golden time, it's time to harvest. Green leaves change its color and please with beautiful contrasts of yellow and orange shades. Birds fly away to the south, animals prepare for the winter season. This time does not last long, comes the turn of heavy rains and cold.
And then winter comes. It pleases us with New Year's holidays and fun. A lot of white, fluffy snow falls. In winter, you can ski, sled, and skate, ride in the mountains, build snowmen. Winter gives us a New Year mood. People begin to prepare for the holiday, decorate the trees, give each other gifts and have fun.
After a cold, frosty winter, spring comes. Everything around comes alive and awakens. The days become longer and warmer. The sun more often makes us happy with its rays. Birds come back and please us with their twitter. The snow melts and the murmurs of streams can be heard. Appears the first grass, flowers. Blossom buds in the trees. Forest animals get out of their holes. May beetles fly in. New life comes, with the arrival of spring.