ответ: если образованное от слова, то "entertaining" - развлекательный
если словосочитания:
funny entertainment
exciting entertainment
fascinating entertainment
gorgeous entertainment
mind-blowing entertainment
unbelievable entertainment
magnificent entertainment
ну и ещё есть:
live entertainment (performed while people watch, not recorded and watched later) - (выполняются, пока люди смотрят, не записывается и не просматривается позже)
light entertainment (shows etc that are funny and easy to understand rather than serious) = comedy - легкие развлечения (шоу и т. д., которые скорее веселые и понятные, чем серьезные) = КОМЕДИЯ
family entertainment (suitable for adults and children) - семейные развлечения (подходит для взрослых и детей)
mass/popular entertainment (popular with large numbers of people) - массовые / популярные развлечения (популярны у большого количества людей)
a day’s/afternoon’s/evening’s entertainment) - дневные / дневные / вечерние развлечения
1. January is the first month of the year.
2. February is the shortest month.
3. March is the beginning of autumn.
4. April has a holiday, which is connected with jokes.
5. Students feel happy in May - it's end of a school year
6. June is the beginning of summer.
7. Usually people say that July is the hottest month.
8. August is a very sad month - it's end of the holidays
9.September is the begging of a school year.
10. October has a holiday called "Day of the dead"
11. November is the beginning of cold temperatures
12. December is the last month in a whole year