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23.01.2023 16:32 •  Английский язык

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1. What time? At 8:30

A) starts the film B) does start the film C) does the film start

2. Do you know where___? No he didn't say.

A) Tom has gone B) has Tom gone C) has gone Tom

3. Do you think it will rain? ''.

A) I hope not B) l don't hope C) I don't hope so

4.'You don't know where Karen is?' 'Sorry, l have no idea.'


1.  B

2. A

3. A

4. ?

4,5(70 оценок)
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Дорогой друг,

Написал тебе эту открытку, чтобы поделиться очень важной новостью. Я наконец-то нашел свою потерянную книгу! Я искал ее уже очень долгое время, и, наконец, смог ее найти. Я просто не мог поверить своим глазам, когда увидел ее в своей комнате, прямо на полке!

Эта потерянная книга была моим любимым произведением и я очень рад, что я наконец-то нашел ее. Эта книга означает для меня очень много - она напоминает мне о ценности знаний и важности чтения в нашей жизни.

Нашел эту книгу определенно стало сюрпризом для меня, и я так благодарен за этот момент. Теперь я снова могу погрузиться в интересные приключения и исследования, которые она предлагает.

Я хотел бы поблагодарить тебя за то, что ты так поддерживал меня в поиске этой потерянной книги. Твои слова и энтузиазм были очень важны для меня. Ты всегда поощрял меня и верил в то, что я смогу найти их. Спасибо, друг!

Нет слов, чтобы выразить мою радость и удовлетворение. Я очень счастлив снова иметь эту книгу в моей коллекции. Я буду бережно относиться к ней и продолжать читать и изучать ее содержание.

С любовью,
[Твое имя]


Dear friend,

I am writing this postcard to share some very exciting news. I have finally found my lost book! I have been searching for it for a very long time, and I finally managed to find it. I could not believe my eyes when I saw it in my room, right on the shelf!

This lost book was my favorite work and I am so glad that I have found it. This book means a lot to me – it reminds me of the value of knowledge and the importance of reading in our lives.

Finding this book definitely came as a surprise to me, and I am so grateful for this moment. Now I can once again immerse myself in the interesting adventures and explorations it offers.

I would like to thank you for supporting me in the search for this lost book. Your words and enthusiasm meant a lot to me. You have always encouraged me and believed that I would be able to find it. Thank you, my friend!

There are no words to express my joy and satisfaction. I am so happy to have this book back in my collection. I will take good care of it and continue to read and study its content.

With love,
[Your name] "
4,7(90 оценок)
1. B from New York.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the sentence is referring to the teacher's origin and "from" is used to indicate origin.

2. B I'm Jack.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the sentence is asking for the subject's name and "I'm" is short for "I am".

3. A Yes, I'm.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the question is asking if the person is English and "Yes, I'm" means "Yes, I am".

4. C is.
Explanation: The correct answer is C because the sentence is stating that the mobile phone (singular) is Japanese.

5. B aren't.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the sentence is stating that they are not from Milan, so "aren't" is the contraction of "are not".

6. A her.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the sentence is referring to Mrs Jamieson, who is a female, so "her" is the possessive pronoun used.

7. C Their.
Explanation: The correct answer is C because the sentence is referring to Khaled and Omar's teacher, so "their" is the possessive pronoun used.

8. B She's.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the sentence is referring to Maria, who is a female, so "She's" is short for "She is".

9. B Her.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the sentence is introducing the speaker's girlfriend and the speaker is using "her" as a possessive pronoun.

10. A are.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the question is asking if "they" (plural) are Russian, so "are" is the correct form of the verb.

11. A I'm.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the speaker is introducing themselves with their name, so "I'm" is short for "I am".

12. B is.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the sentence is stating that "he" (singular) is in Class 2, so "is" is the correct form of the verb.

13. B What.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the sentence is asking for the person's name, so "What" is used to ask for information.

14. C are.
Explanation: The correct answer is C because the question is asking about the person's well-being, so "are" is the correct form of the verb.

15. A Where.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the question is asking about the person's origin or location, so "Where" is used to ask for information.

16. B 're.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the sentence is stating that they (plural) are Scottish, so "'re" is the contraction of "are".

17. C Is.
Explanation: The correct answer is C because the sentence is asking if the person's mother is Mexican, so "Is" is used to ask a yes/no question.

18. B are.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the sentence is asking about the origin of the person's parents, so "are" is the correct form of the verb.

19. A His.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the sentence is referring to Leonardo's name, so "His" is the possessive pronoun used.

20. C Our.
Explanation: The correct answer is C because the sentence is referring to the names of the new students, so "Our" is the possessive pronoun used.

1. A twelve.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the numbers in the sequence are thirteen, twelve, eleven, and ten.

2. B forty.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the numbers in the sequence are thirty, forty, fifty, and sixty.

3. C Thursday.
Explanation: The correct answer is C because the days in the sequence are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

4. C European.
Explanation: The correct answer is C because the pattern is "Country - Nationality" so "European" is the correct form for Europe.

5. A Asia.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the pattern is "Country - Nationality" so "Asia" is the correct form for Asian.

6. A meet.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the person is introducing themselves to Chris, so "meet" is used to express the action of meeting someone.

7. B well.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the person is saying that they are doing very well, so "well" is used to express their state.

8. B Bye.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the person is saying goodbye to someone, so "Bye" is used as an informal way of saying goodbye.

9. A Hi.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the person is greeting Sam, so "Hi" is used as a friendly greeting.

10. A thanks.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the person is thanking the other person for asking about their well-being, so "thanks" is used to express gratitude.

11. B door.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the person is asking someone to close the door, so "door" is the correct object.

12. A know.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the person is admitting that they don't have knowledge of the capital of Australia.

13. B spell.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the person is asking about how to spell the name, so "spell" is used to refer to the act of spelling something.

14. B on.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the person is referring to meeting someone on a specific day, so "on" is used to indicate the day.

15. A old.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the person is asking about the other person's age, so "old" is used to refer to age.

16. A don't.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the person is telling someone not to continue speaking, so "don't" is used to express a negative command.

17. A chair.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the person is instructing someone where to sit, so "chair" is the correct object.

18. C Read.
Explanation: The correct answer is C because the person is instructing someone to read the text, so "Read" is the correct verb.

19. B off.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the person is instructing someone to turn off their mobile phone, so "off" is used to indicate stopping the function of something.

20. B Go.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the person is instructing someone to go to a specific page, so "Go" is used to indicate movement.

1. C they.
Explanation: The correct answer is C because "they" has a different sound compared to "very" and "well".

2. C G.
Explanation: The correct answer is C because "G" has a different sound compared to "E" and "J".

3. C thanks.
Explanation: The correct answer is C because "thanks" has a different sound compared to "Scotland" and "American".

4. A P.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because "P" has a different sound compared to "I" and "E".

5. B boot.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because "boot" has a different sound compared to "do" and "close".

6. A internet.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the stress is on the first syllable: "in-ter-net".

7. B Japanese.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the stress is on the second syllable: "Ja-panese".

8. A seventeen.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the stress is on the first syllable: "se-ven-teen".

9. B Saturday.
Explanation: The correct answer is B because the stress is on the second syllable: "Sat-ur-day".

10. A Switzerland.
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the stress is on the first syllable: "Switz-er-land".
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