1.Underline the correct variant.
1) There's someone/anyone at the door.
2) Does anybody/anything remember him?
3) There's nowhere/nothing you can do. 4) There is a little/few juice in the glass. 5) Are there some/any apples on the dish? 6) There are little/some biscuits on the plate.
2.Read and circle the correct variant.
1) I ... Chinese food before.
a) never tried b) have never tried c) had never tried
2) She ... doing her homework before her parents returned from work,
a) finished b) has finished c) had finished
3) We ... to Odesa last summer.
a) go b) will go c) went
4) What can I ...?
a) to say b) say c) said
5) He has never... to China before.
a) was b) be c) been
6) Sorry, I'm late. My car... down on my way here.
a) has broken b) broken c) broke
3.You have recently seen a film which you enjoyed very much. Write a letter to a friend describing the film and explaining why he or she should go and see it.
Antonio Vivaldi
Antonio Vivaldi was a famous Italian composer and violinist. He was born in Venice on 4th March, 1678. His father taught young Antonio to play the violin. In 1703, at the age of twenty-five, Vivaldi became a priest. He also taught music at a school for girls in Venice. He travelled to many countries and wrote brilliant pieces of music for the school.
Vivaldi was a genius. He wrote about 40 operas, 39 concertos for the bassoon and 30 for the flute. Although he was a rich man at the height of his career, Vivaldi died very poor. He died on 28th July, 1741, at the age of sixty-three.
Vivaldi never married.
Task 1
True or false.
1. Antonio Vivaldi was a famous artist.
2. He was born in Venice.
3. He was born in spring.
4. At the age of 25 he served in church.
5. He taught music at a school for boys in Venice.
6. Antonio Vivaldi was single.
Task 2
Answer the questions.
1. Where was Antonio Vivaldi born?
2. Who taught young Antonio to play musical instruments?
3. What music did he write?
4. What did he do at the age of twenty five?
5. What countries did he travel?
6. Who did he wrote brilliant pieces of music for?
Но заием, однажды, то чего мы все боялись, в конце концов, произошло. Бабушка покинула нас навсегда. "Shmily." Это слово было нацарапано желтым цветом на розовых лентах траурного букета моей бабушки. Когда толпа поредела и последние люди из провожающих бабушку в последний путь повернулись, чтобы уйти, мои тети, дяди, кузены и другие члены семьи подошли и собрались вокруг бабушки в последний раз. Дедушка подошел к гробу моей бабушки и, сделав судорожный вдох, начал петь ей. Хотя его душили слезы и горе, песня звучала, как проникновенная и гортанная колыбельная.Дрожжа от своей собственной печали, я никогда не забуду тот момент. Ибо я знал, что, хотя я не мог постичь глубину их любви, я был привилегированным свидетелем ее несравнимой красоты.
S-H-M-I-L-Y. Видишь, Как Сильно Я Люблю Тебя!
дедушка и бабушка, за то, что позволили мне всё это увидеть. Лаура Жанна Эйлиен
I. Answer the questions. 1. The goal of the game have been played by the grandparents was to show how much they love each other. 2. There was no end to the places “Shmily” would pop up: on the mirror, in the car, in shoes, on sugar and flour containers and so and so forth.3. The grandmother had breast cancer.4. He sang her a lullaby.5. He comforted her in their yellow room, painted that color so she could always be surrounded by sunshine.
II. Grandma and grandpa held hands ever chance they could. They stole kisses as they bumped into each other in their tiny kitchen. They finished each other’s sentences and wrote SHMILY everywhere.
III 5,4,1,3,2.
V Did you like the story? What does the title of the story mean? Did the grandparents really love each other dearly all their life? Would you like to have the relations with your future wife/husband like those in the story? Did you find the game shmily funny?
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