Привет, мой друг! Как у тебя дела? У меня все хорошо. Недавно мы ездили в ботанический сад. Это великолепое место. Там очень много разных и красивых растений. Там есть растения которые занесены в красную книгу. Расскажи о том, что случилось с тобой. Напиши мне. Прощай
Hello my friend! How are you? I am fine. Recently, we went to a botanical garden. This majestic place. There's a lot of different and beautiful plants. There are plants that are listed as endangered. Tell me about what happened to you. Write me. Goodbay
If Teddy is sick, he should stay in bed and drink lots of
C fluids
Julie always her eyes when she gets
sleepy in the evening.
B rubs или C is rubbing (оба правильные)
When Sue was young, she hide-and-seek
with her friends. Now, she prefers playing board games.
C used to play
Mum exchanged the green slippers Liz gave her, because they didn't her pink dressing
B match
I'm thinking of buying a new car. The one I have is falling
C apart
Madonna's new pop song is really I've
been singing the tune all day.
B catchy
Joe to finish his homework before he
goes to the cinema with his friends.
B has
Cindy took us . for a lovely dinner to celebrate her new acting job.
A out
If Dan to go to the film festival with me,
then I can go with Amy.
B doesn't want
There is of chocolate in the fridge.
Maybe I'll make a chocolate cake today.
B a lot
Mike's risky decision to set up his own company at such a young age was quite … I really admire him.
B daring