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Australia’s bushflre disaster

A FUND was set up in Britain yesterday to help families hit by the bushiires in south¬eastern Australia.
So far, more than 70 people have died and 2,000 homes have been destroyed. Several towns as well as large areas of forest and farmland have been burnt, and hundreds of thousands of sheep and cattle have been killed by the firestorm, which raced along 500 miles of coast from Adelaide to Mel¬bourne.
Bushfires - 90 per cent of which are now caused by humans — have always been common in Australia. If they occur in un¬inhabited areas, they are often allowed to burn themselves out. Where human life or property is threatened, they can usually be put out before too much damage has been caused. “Almost every time we can cope, but this was the one time we couldn't,” a fire officer said in Melbourne yesterday. “We have fought many fires before, but none like this. It wras frightening, the speed of the fire. There was nothing we could do to stop it. We didn't know where it was going. All we could do was try to get peo¬ple well out of the way.”
Helped by temperatures around 43 degrees and strong winds after a twelvemonth pe¬riod of dry weather, the fires spread at lightning speed. Some of them may have been started deliberately. In South Austra¬lia yesterday a 19-year-old unemployed worker was charged with deliberately lighting fires in the Adelaide Hills, where nine people died and 100 homes were de¬stroyed on Wednesday. For his own safety, the accused man was locked up until his trial.
Last night, thanks to cooler and less windy weather, the fires were largely under con¬trol. but higher temperatures have been forecast for this weekend. South Australian fire-service spokesman David Williams warned: “There arc large areas of land that haven't been burnt. They are extremely dry. and carelessness or a deliberate act could start it all again.”


1. Дайте ответы.
a) Where was the bushfire disaster? b) How many people and animals were killed in the fires, and how many homes were destroyed? c) Why was it almost impossible to stop the fires? (What helped the fires?) d) Who or what were the fires caused by? e) What helped the fire fighters to get the fires under control eventually? f) What kind of weather has been forecast for the weekend? g) Why do you think fires in uninhabited areas are sometimes allowed to burn themselves out? h) Why do you think a fund to help people hit by the Austra¬lian bushfires was set up in Britain - not, for example, in Germany?

3. Преобразуйте активную форму в пассивную.

They have set up a fund. - A fund has been set up.

a) Someone has turned off the electric heater. b) The bushfires have hit thousands of people. c) The firestorm has destroyed 2.000 home. d) You must book hotel accommodation, e) We will arrange some excursions. f) Someone has to unload the truck. g) The staff locked the robber in. h) A spokesman praised the staff for stopping the train. i) A gunman seized £8.500 from a camera shop yesterday.
5. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующей форме: to + Infinitive, -ing-форма или Past Participle.

a) In uninhabited areas, bushfires are often allowed (burn) themselves out. b) He was charged with (shoot) an assistant in a Baker Street camera shop. c) Most of the equipment (destroy) by the fire was rather old. d) Part of the money comes from a fund (set up) in Britain (help) people (hit) by the bushfires.

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Промышленности, которая также анализирует рынки для промышленных товаров, а также политики различных предприятий. Степень концентрации и барьеров выхода на рынок новых конкурентов уже были проанализированы отраслевая экономика для таких важных отраслях экономики как добыча полезных ископаемых, газовой и нефтяной промышленности и др. Поведение фирм и компаний в отрасли влияет структура отрасли. Как прибыль, так и потери в любой отрасли влияют на поведение фирм и компаний, занятых в отрасли.

"Экономика энергетики" известен также другой важной областью прикладной экономики тесно связана с промышленным экономики. Много энергии был использован в современной экономике в последние десятилетия. Ферм, фабрик, заводов, транспорта, а также семей значительно возросло потребление различных источников энергии, поскольку новое современное оборудование и технологии были внедрены.

В дрова и уголь используются в качестве основных источников энергии. Затем, эти источники были заменены газа и нефти в большинстве отраслей промышленности. Однако, в 1970-х источников энергии стало не хватать и стало расти цены на энергоносители. С этого времени серьезные коррективы были сделаны промышленными странами для того, чтобы справиться с энергетическим дефицитом.

За последние несколько десятилетий проблемы экономики энергетики были обсуждены специалистами и правительства многих стран. Регулярные встречи проводятся по OPEC1 формируется в целях регулирования цены на нефть.
4,4(16 оценок)

She said to us " Do it as soon as you can". She told us a) to do it as soon as we could.

Direct-indirect conversion

При переводе прямой речи в косвенную, временная форма сдвигается на шаг в кроме следующих случаев:

1. Если слова автора в настоящем или будущем времени. He will say that he has been there before. Он скажет, что уже был здесь.

2. Действие в  Past Perfect (Continuous) или в Future-in-the-Past.

3. Обстоятельства времени не изменились. He said that he bought it yesterday. Он сказал, что купил это вчера.

4. Утверждение всегда верно. The teacher said that water boils at 100 C. Учитель сказал, что вода кипит при ста градусах.

5. Утверждение верно длительный период времени или в текущем отрезке времени. She said that she loves you. Она сказала, что любит тебя.

6. Сообщение повторяется сразу же. He said that the food is delicious. Он сказал, что еда изыскана.

7. В условных предложениях 2 типа. He said that if he were you, he wouldn’t do that. Он сказал, что на твоём месте он не стал бы этого делать.

8. Желаемые события. She said she wished she were younger. Она о том, что она не моложе.

9. Глагол ought to. He said they ought to be careful. Он сказал, что им следует быть осторожней.

10. Глагол must в значении «должно быть». He said that they must be at home. Он сказал, что они должно быть дома.

Для передачи общих вопросов используется if или whether. Вопросительные предложения передаются с прямым порядком слов: He asked me if/whether they were at home. С глаголом-связкой порядок может быть обратным: He asked me what was the price.

При сдвиге временной формы глагола в в косвенной речи, по ситуации, изменяются обстоятельства места и времени, местоимения, а также, происходит отстранение от эмоций:

this – that, these – those, here – there, now  - then (at that moment, at once, immediately), come – go, today – (on) that day, yesterday – the day before(earlier), tomorrow  - (on) the next (following) day, last week – the week before, ago - before(earlier), next week – the next (following) week, now that – since, so – very, yes/no – answered in the positive/negative, he  - that man, we - they, come - go.

Если из прямой речи лицо не известно, используется местоимение they, а в словах автора wanted to know, wondered:

He said: “Come here”. – He told them to come up to him.

He said: “Where are you going?” – He wanted to know/wondered where they were going.

4,4(14 оценок)
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