1) Yes, there is a wardrobe to the left of me.
2) Yes, (+ i think) i will speak to my father tomorrow evening./ No, i won't speak to anyone tomorrow evening.
3) No, i am not expecting any guests./ Yes, i am expecting my sister. ( +She must come soon.)
4) Yes, there is a TV set in the right corner of my room./ No, there isn't anything in the right corner of my room.
5) No, there isn't anybody behind me./ Yes, my mother is standind behind me.
* / - вариант да/нет
** (+ ...) - допольнительные разговорные фразы (я думаю; она должна скоро подойти соответсвенно)
Nowdays, teens tend to listen to hip-hop, rap or rock. Too bad they don't pay attention to classic, but what can we do here? It's their choice. I honestly don't know what's my fav genre since i listen to pretty much anything, as long as i like it. Like, when im down i tend to listen to some slow, sad music, but when i'm happy i listen to pop! Have to admit that i pop is #1 genre for me because it sounds really simple, and the lyrics are simple to remember, plus, the rhytm is always really good. I love to listen to music when i'm working out or outside, doing some stuff alone such as buying food in shop. Life without music is really boring after all.
I used to learn guitar, but gave up on it since i have to pass exams pretty soon. Hope i'll catch up later.
Thanks for the talk, friend. Hope to chat with you sometime later.