1. If I play tennis every day, I will be in a good form. 2. If i was younger, I couldn't solve such problem as this one. 3. You will become cleverer, if you read these books. 4. They will be more succeful, if don't play videogames as much as they do. 5. If it rains, we won't walk with our friends. 6. If he didn't come there, they all could die. 7. If he didn't say that, she wouldn't hate him. 8. I will become a good drawer, if i begin studying art from now. 9. I could be a good student, if I work harder. 10. If i play videogames for a long time, maybe i will become a proffesional.
Белая башня, построенная в 1078 году как крепость для защиты от нападений, а также как личная резиденция Вильгельма Завоевателя.Вскоре после того, как Вильгельм Завоеватель стал королем, он построил крепость, чтобы охранять Лондон со стороны устья Темзы. В 1097 году была завершена каменная Белая башня, стоящая сегодня в центре всего комплекса; остальные памятники строились в течение веков. Тауэр был королевской резиденцией, арсеналом, сокровищницей, но наиболее известен он как тюрьма для врагов короны.
2. If i was younger, I couldn't solve such problem as this one.
3. You will become cleverer, if you read these books.
4. They will be more succeful, if don't play videogames as much as they do.
5. If it rains, we won't walk with our friends.
6. If he didn't come there, they all could die.
7. If he didn't say that, she wouldn't hate him.
8. I will become a good drawer, if i begin studying art from now.
9. I could be a good student, if I work harder.
10. If i play videogames for a long time, maybe i will become a proffesional.