Я пишу с телефона, поэтому писаться все будет в одну строку, раздилять на параграфы и новые строки не могу, надеюсь знаешь как письмо должно выглядить? Hi David, I was very happy to receive your email/letter (не знаю что там у вас было). I love my school, it's beautiful and big, and everyone is friendly and helpful there. I don't live far so I walk to school every morning. My first lesson was Russian Language yesterday. What was your day like at school yesterday? Do you have many friends at school? I am looking forward to your reply. Best wishes, "вставь свое имя"
Shopping is very exciting activity. I like wondering around different boutiques and trying some beautiful clothes. Yesterday I were in the mall just looking for a new t-shirt for summer. Suddenly I mentioned little boy sitting in the far corner of the shop and crying. I came to him and asked if he ned some help and why he was crying. He told me that he lost his mom while playing with some toys in the shop. I took his hand and we went to the manager of the mall. She understood our problem and after asking boy's name told into the loudspeaker that the boy was lost on the second floor and waiting for his mom there. In a minute his mom ran into the shop crying and hug her son. They were so happy to find each other. So that day not only did I do shopping but also helped child in difficult situation and I'm very proud of this.
Там ничего не надо делать прочитать слова, с этим никто тебе не сможет