I try to use resources wisely: sort waste and dispose of it in the designated areas. It's sad to see the trash left behind by others. It is a pity that someone allows himself such a thing.In nature, where I go with the company, I clean up not only my own, but also other people's garbage. I do not use plastic disposable dishes. I replace plastic bags with paper or canvas ones. Previously, they were rare, but now they are available for free sale. At home and in the office, I have installed LED lamps — they are more economical: the replacement paid off in two years.
Стараюсь разумно использовать ресурсы: сортировать отходы и выбрасывать их в отведенных для этого местах. Печально видеть мусор, оставленный другими. Жаль, что кто-то себе такое позволяет.На природе, куда я выезжаю с компанией, убираю не только свой, но и чужой мусор. Не использую пластиковую одноразовую посуду. Пластиковые пакеты заменяю бумажными или холщовыми. Раньше они были редкостью, а теперь появились в свободной продаже. Дома и в офисе у меня установлены светодиодные лампы — они экономичнее: замена окупилась за два года.
P.SТут немного больше чем 8 предложений но ты можешь просто выбрать понравившие и всё.
1. Great Britain, officially The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated
on the British Isles, of Western Europe.
2. the British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about 6000
small islands.
3. New York, the largest city in the USA, is situated at the mouth of the Hudson River,
sometimes called the North River.
4. Vesuvius destroyed the Roman city of Pompeii in AD 79.
5. As Balkan Peninsula is very mountainous a lot of mineral deposits are found there.
6. North Pole is the northernmost point on Earth, which is located in the middle of the
The Arctic Ocean.
7. the South Pole is situated on the continent of Antarctica.
8. The national currency of Jamaica is the Jamaican dollar.
9. We want to go to Crimea next summer.
10. The flora of Madagascar includes 14,883 unique plant species.
11. The official language of the Netherlands is Dutch.
Exercise 1. Choose the right answer.
Rita Nelson is b) 14
Lessons in Rita’s previous school started at a) 7 o'clock
Rita has c) 7 lessons every day.
Rita’s lessons are over at b) 3.30
After lessons most pupils go a) to sports practice
Exercise 3. True or false?
1)Rita doesn’t like her new school. F
2)Today Rita came to school in time. T
3)Student don’t love sports in the new school. F
4)Many girls play football in the new school.T
5)Rita likes to drive a tractor.T