My family is small, but very strong and friendly. Everyone in our family loves and respects each other. There are five of us: mom, dad, grandma, brother, and me. Each of us has a special role in the family. For example, my mother keeps order in the house: that everyone is fed, dressed for the weather, that everything is in its place. Everyone knows that there is no closer and kinder person on earth than mother. My mother's name is Svetlana Alexandrovna. She is a translator, and previously worked as an English teacher at the school. My mother is kind, smart and beautiful! She will always come to the rescue, tell you how to do the right thing, regret, support, but can scold if I do something wrong. She loves me very much, and I love her too. Now I want to tell you about my dad. My dad is wonderful! All the hard men's work at home and in the country - on it. My father, Alexey Nikolaevich, works as a production Manager in a digital printing house. He is very responsible and Executive. But despite the fact that he is very busy, dad is always ready to help. Dad is my chief science adviser. Also, dad is a driver. We love to ride with dad in the car. My dad is the best!
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Miley cyrus famous american actress and singer. she became famous for her role in the tv series "hannah montana." her father is a musician. miley have a big family. also, her beautiful blue eyes. she is slim. three years ago, she changed her image. he became a rebel. indecent behaving on stage. now she is a scandalous person. but it is good. lists lot of money to charity. перевод : майли сайрус знаменитая американская актриса и певица. она прославилась роли в сериале "ханна монтана". её отец музыкант. у майли большая семья. также у неё красивые голубые глаза. она стройная. три года назад она поменяла образ. стала бунтаркой. и неприлично ведёт себя на сцене. сейчас она скандальная личность. но она добрая. перечисляет много денег на благотворительность.
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