1) я дивлюся 2 або 3 години телебачення в день. 2) У вихідні я дивлюся 4 і навіть більше годин телебаченні. 3) Якщо немає нічого хорошого на I `буду сісти і waint. Я он `т вимкнути телевізор. 4) Я завжди залишаю телевізор, навіть якщо я роблю свою домашню роботу. 5) Я завжди включити телевізор, коли я приходжу додому. 6) Yesterdey Я не було `т дивитися телевізор взагалі. Я Хід багато домашніх завдань робити. 7) Я heve вже дивився через телепередач планувати, що дивитися. 8) Я он `т вимкнути телевізор, якщо приходять гості. 9) Я не домосід битою Мені подобається дивитися телевізор. 10) Я heve ніколи не думав, Тхет дивитися занадто багато телевізор шкідливо для мого здоров'я.
1)Jenny says she watches 4 and even more hours of television at weekends. 2)Jenny says that if there is nothing good on she'll sit down and wait. She won't turn off the tv. 3) Jenny says she always leaves the tv on even if she's doing her homework. 4)Jenny says she always turns on the tv when she comes home. 5)Jenny says that yesterday she didn't watch the tv at all. She had a lot of homework to do. 6) Jenny says that she has already looked through a TV guide to plan what to watch. 7) Jenny says she won't turn the tv off if the guests come. 8)Jenny says she's not a couch potato but she likes watching tv. 9) Jenny says that she has never thought that watching too much TV is bad for her health.
1. My daughter WAS PLAYING while I WAS CLEANING the kitchen.
2. Bill and I WERE WASHING the car while Tom WAS WORKING in the garden.
3. When I WAS SKIING I BROKE my leg.
4. Martin WAS SLEEPING while his parents WERE WATCHING TV.
5. We WERE HAVING picnic when it STARTED to rain.
6. When he SAW the UFO he RAN home and CALLED his friend.
Task B.1. Mike a) got a new bike last week.
2. While they b) were driving to the airport, they heard an explosion.
3. She a) opened the window and looked out.
4. I b) saw her yesterday at 7 am at the bus stop.
5. When I heard the doorbell I a) ran downstairs.
6. We b) were talking about the film while we were walking to the stop.
7. Students a) were writing the test when their teacher fell asleep.