1. Wasn't she
2. Didn't they
3. Is he
4. Shouldn't you
5)don't know
1) Technology - a set of methods and tools to achieve the desired result; in the broad sense, the application of scientific knowledge to solve practical problems. The technology includes working methods, its mode, sequence of actions.
2) Advantages of modern technology:
Easy access to information.
Innovation and Creativity
Improved communication
Ease of movement
Improved lifestyle
Superior Entertainment
Efficiency and Productivity
Convenience in education
3) Disadvantages of modern technology:
Increase loneliness
Job loss
Modern weapon
4) Modern technologies
5) don't know
canoeing - гребля, fishing - ловля рыбы, hiking - пеший туризм, jet skiing - водные лыжи, sailing - парусный спорт, scuba diving - подводное плавание с аквалангом, sunbathing - солнечные ванны, white water rafting - рафтинг, windsurfing - виндсёрфинг, bored - скучающий, boring - скучный, enjoyable - приятный, excited - взволнованный, excited - волнующий, difficult - трудный, hard - тяжёлый, relaxed - расслабленный, relaxing - расслабляющий, tiring - утомительный, tired - усталый.
Предложения в комментариях.
2) They visited Paris last year, didn’t they?
3) This sportsman isn’t training enough, is he?
4) You should keep your teeth clean, shouldn’t you?