I like food from restaurant,but i prefer make it by my own. If i ask,my mother will cook to me restaurant food) there's no differens, i think. But also i think that in restaurant u can eat foreign dishesh,u can taste it. The restaurant has a good cook, you have to prepare all the best recipes and served fast. Home can make all the different taste and will not be.But of course the delicious homemade food. Do you know where and how to cook it, so there is no risk of getting sick. All of my mother's home cooking is done with love. At home all the food healthier than in restaurants.
My new skirt, which I bought yesterday, looks great with this blouse. (Моя новая юбка, которую я купила вчера, отлично смотрится с этой блузкой. )
She's reading the book that I gave her as a present. (Она читает книгу, которую я подарил ей.)
Annie was a girl who never did silly things. (Энни была девушкой, которая никогда не делала глупостей.)
Those are the people whose dog bit the boy yesterday. (Это те люди, чья собака вчера укусила мальчика.)
I remember the place where I first saw you. (Я помню место, где я впервые увидел тебя.)
That was the week when we painted our house. (Это было на той неделе, когда мы красили наш дом.)