We are in New York now. Together with Jane Snow and thousands of young men and women we are taking part in a meeting of protest against unemployment. Students and professors, workers and employees are protesting against the threat of being fired. You can see slogans and placards everywhere. They say: «We want job! Unemployment — no!»
Look! Jane is making a speech. Listen: «Why can't the government provide job for us? Mr. President must think of the development of national economy and not of supporting political regimes in other countries. He may spend this money on food for poor Americans, but he mustn't use it for military purposes». Everybody is shouting in support of Jane.
Nell Pavlova is also at the meeting but in Rostov. This meeting is taking form of the tribunal. The represent atives of many countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America are taking part in the work of this tribunal. They accuse racism and nazism. Everything looks like the real sitting of the court. You can see the prosecutor and the chairman of the tribunal. The prosecutor is speaking about the crimes committed by neonazists and racists in different countries of the world. Then the first witness of the prosecution is taking place at the witness-stand.1 He is giving evidence offinancing criminals by some powerful groups. You may also hear the other witnesses giving the true facts of assassinating the progressive leaders in different countries. You can't see the defence counsel here. Nobody wants to defend racists and nazists. The hearing is over and the chairman is reading the sentence. The tribunal finds the neonazism and racism guilty in numerous crimes against humanity and calls on the progressive youth of the world to strengthen the unity in fighting against this dangerous ideology.
Случаи употребления герундия:
making choices, meeting their wants, overcharging customers, the key to understanding, describing and solving many of the problems, developing a new product, designing and making the good, spending too much money, promoting the goods.
Случаи Complex Subject:
1. Economics is known to be a basic discipline...
2. Firms are sure to take account of costs and the type of audience they are trying to reach...
3. Communication is considered to be the lifeblood of business.
4. Mathematics and statistics are known to be the key to understanding, describing and solving many of the problems faced by businesses.
Случаи Complex Object:
1. So we want the problem to be cleared up before we start a study of business.
2. We consider business studies not to be a single, tidy subject with its own body of knowledge and its own language.
3. Everyone considers advertising to be an important means of promoting the goods
4. Advertising attempts <...> to persuade them to purchase it