The importance of caring for the environment is absolutely paramount for many reasons. Perhaps most importantly, we need to make sure that we leave this place better than when we came for the next generations whose job(s) it will be to also look after the planet. It wouldn’t be fair to hand them something we fouled up that they are responsible for cleaning up. With that in mind, here are a few ways to take care of our environment:
Turn out the lights when they are not in use – This one is too easy, but is actually one of the more commonly overlooked ways to reduce energy consumption.
Reusable water bottles – Fossil fuels are required to make plastic bottles, so using fewer plastic bottles will help greatly in preserving this precious resource.
Recycling – Recycling is one of the most popular and most impactful ways that you can help the environment.
1.Я хожу гулять со своей собакой каждый день. 2.Я умываюсь каждый день. 3.Я сплю каждый день. 4.Я кушаю каждый день. 5.Я сижу за компьютером каждый день.
1.Я читаю книгу сейчас. 2.Я пишу стих сейчас. 3.Я розговариваю с Машей сейчас. 4.Я кушаю сейчас. 5.Я иду в школу сейчас. ПЕРЕВОД: 1. I go for a walk with my dog every day. 2. I wash my face every day. 3. I sleep every day. 4.I I eat every day. 5. I'm sitting at the computer every day.
1. I'm reading a book right now. 2. I write poetry today. 3. I rozgovarivayu Masha today. 4.I I'm eating right now. 5. I'm going to school right now.
1) Никто ничего не сказал, мы просто смотрели, как он убрал его в его случае. 2) Вы могли бы слышал, как муха. 3) Она не может объяснить, просто призвал меня, чтобы использовать свои собственные глаза. 4) Ну, скажите, чтобы он нам завтра утром, не так ли? 5) После обеда он просил меня сопровождать его домой. 6) Кстати, она попросит вас подписать любые бумаги вчера? 7) Ее визит волновали пациента так, что врач посоветовал ей не прийти снова. 8) Там нет вреда, я думаю, в давая вам знать. 9) Я понял вас, чтобы сказать, что вы не получил письмо от вашего брата, так как он уехал из Англии.
The importance of caring for the environment is absolutely paramount for many reasons. Perhaps most importantly, we need to make sure that we leave this place better than when we came for the next generations whose job(s) it will be to also look after the planet. It wouldn’t be fair to hand them something we fouled up that they are responsible for cleaning up. With that in mind, here are a few ways to take care of our environment:
Turn out the lights when they are not in use – This one is too easy, but is actually one of the more commonly overlooked ways to reduce energy consumption.
Reusable water bottles – Fossil fuels are required to make plastic bottles, so using fewer plastic bottles will help greatly in preserving this precious resource.
Recycling – Recycling is one of the most popular and most impactful ways that you can help the environment.