До ть Уяви,що ти так само спланував подорож до Лондону, напиши інформацію про те ,що ти уже отримав під час цієї подорожі Подавай інформацію в Present Perfect
Hello. Today I would like to tell about your favorite magazine It is called cat's House this magazine is not very popular at this time I guess you haven't heard about it (you can connect two offers the word therefore Calculated this magazine for teenagers in this magazine contains lots of interesting information about cats mainly there tell as for cats to care, what kind of food they buy, how they play. I think more appealing magazine will be if there will be new headings my journal I would call Hand mine it would have contained information on how to decorate your home for example, how to decorate a House for new year I guess my journal would be very popular because everyone wants to make their home a little better.
1. I go to the city once a week. - Я выхожу в город раз в неделю.
2. You play the guitar very well. - Вы очень хорошо играете на гитаре.
3. She never visits me. - Она никогда не посещает меня.
4. Tom always finds new ways to do things. - Том всегда находит новые делать вещи.
6. Ann wants to speak. - Энн хочет говорить.
7. Toronto is in Canada. - Торонто это Канада.
8. Cars have wheels. - У машин есть колеса.
9. My mother has a big house. - У моей мамы большой дом.
10. We play a lot. - Мы много играем.
11. They sell fruit and eggs. - Они продают фрукты и яйца.
12. The building is on fire. - Это здание горит.
13. Marta seems sad. - Марта кажется грустной.
14. I usually help my neighbors. - Я обычно своим соседям.
15. His brother rarely leaves town. - Его брат редко покидает город.