1. Who were you talking to when I saw you last night? She looked familiar. 2. Nicole was delighted when she found out that she had passed the exam. 3. While they were singing, he was playing the piano. 4. Helen had flown to New York last year, and stayed in a little hotel 5. I saw William’s sister last year but I didn’t recognize her. She changed a lot. 6.While she was cooking the soup, the children were playing. 7. When I was working in the garden, my uncle was calling. 8. Carol was watching TV while Bob and Peter were playing football. 9. Chuck had left the house before I called. 10. When I was watching TV, the lights went out
If I went to London, then first of all I would visit the famous Tower. This is a royal regalia castle. Buckenham Palace is a great place. Here is the residence of the Queen and the official halls. But what about Big Ben! I would definitely come here. Of course, I would take a walk along the streets of London, go to a cafe and try the local cuisine. I would stay in this city for at least a week to feel the life that lives here.
Если бы я поехала в Лондон, то в первую очередь я бы посетила известный Тауер. Это замок с королевскими регалиями. Букенгемский дворец это прекрастное место. Тут находиться резиденция королевы и официальные залы. А как же Биг-Бен! Я бы обязательно сюда сьездила. Конечно же, я бы прогулялась по улицам Лондона, зашла бы в кафе и попробывала местную кухню. Я бы пробыла в этом городе не меньше недели, что бы ощутить жизнь которой тут живут.