As for me, my life - that is my language. Like to many of you, English is not my mother tongue. It is a foreign language to me. When I was a little girl, I was always amazed by kids in a film having a chit-chat in a language that I didn’t understand at all what they were talking about, and yet, I sometimes acted as if I was one of them. Probably, that feeling had driven me having excitement in learning English even though at that time I had no idea whether the film was in English or in another foreign language.
It was my late father who introduced me by chance to English words. He loved reading. For that, in his spare time he went downtown to buy some used-books from street vendors. Someday, my father came home and brought some used books where I found an English book of fairy tales among others. I couldn’t read even its title, for sure, since I was at second grade of my primary school, but I found some interesting pictures in it and some keywords on the outer column of each page. So, I chose a picture and asked my father to read the story about it. I sat down side by side with him and he began to read a full sentence in a deep voice and then gave me its translation. Once in a while he got stuck in the meaning of a word, and so he opened English – Indonesian dictionary in order to figure it out. That was my first English reading session as well as my first experience to know how to use dictionary. Ever since, reading English become our regular agenda whenever my father was at home.
1. During the winter I often met with my friends. 2. Let's go, it is impossible to waste time. We should be back before dawn. 3. She began to dress for dinner, to which she was invited. 4. Kelly was pale and complained of a headache. 5. Do you go to church? 6. It was late autumn, the birds have flown south. 7. Think about what huge breakfast you ate. 8. She had a sore throat and there was a high temperature. 9. In the autumn day we came to the sea, the sea was calm. 10. Mrs. Johnson had to go to the school that to talk about the behaviour of her son. 11. Last summer we went to Rome. 12. It was a warm spring day. 13. During dinner, you barely touched the food. 14. He had a heart attack, and he couldn't come with us. 15. Every morning I go to the hospital and start survey patients. 16. After the bank robbery Thompson has been jailed. His mother didn't believe her son was guilty and every Sunday after church she headed to the jail to see him. 17. Winter which Mrs. Brown spent in India was the best time in her life. 18. He had the whole night ahead of him. 19. At lunch everyone was speaking about the upcoming event. 20. Tom had got a cold, he was coughing and complaining of an earache. 21. Fishermen put to sea early in the morning and came back by the evening catching a lot of fish. 22. They should have come back in early spring. 23. The night was very quiet 24. I will suggest you the best dinner you can get in this city. 25. Near our house they built a new school. 26. When his tooth started aching he decided not to wait and went to doctor. 27. I had a hard day. 28. When the Johnson's had children they decided to move from the city and bought a house in a village. Every morning Mr. Johnson had to go for work to the city. When children got older Mr. Johnson delivered them to school in the city. Mrs. Johnson went shopping to the city once in two weeks. 29. I won't forget the day when I stepped across your threshold for the first time. 30. Every summer we go to the sea. 31. Day and night I want to know where you are. 32. The school is on the hill. It is visible from far away. 33. I want to see you tomorrow morning.
Fish can swim. Rabbit can't fly. Horse can't climb. Frog can jump