Нужно кто откликнулся...
Circle the correct word.
1 A: Have you seen Liam yet / just?
B: He's since / just arrived.
2. A: Have you worked here for / since long?
B: I've worked here for / since February.
3. A: Have you tidied your room yet / just?
B: I've already / since finished.
4 A: Are we there yet / already?
B: No, and we're just / already half an
hour late. We need to hurry up.
5 A: Thaven't written to Mary since / for ages.
B: Really? She's since / just sent me an email.
1 A: Have you seen Liam yet?
B: He's just arrived.
2. A: Have you worked here for long?
B: I've worked here since February.
3. A: Have you tidied your room yet?
B: I've already finished.
4 A: Are we there yet?
B: No, and we're already half an hour late. We need to hurry up.
5 A: They haven't written to Mary for ages.
B: Really? She's just sent me an email.