Dear Mom, guess where I am writing this letter - I am sitting on the edge of the Grand Canyon! We leave Santa Fe two nights ago and arrive here early yesterday morning. And let me tell you, the Grand Canyon is really GRAND! I have already taken a lot of photos so that you can see them, and soon I will take a few more, but in fact, Mom, you won’t believe how great it is! It extends 277 miles from end to end — at a depth of a mile, and in some places — at a mile — and there are so many incredible colors in the rock! Blues, reds, violets, oranges, greens, yellows, and so on. There is a funny story about how the Spaniards first discovered the canyon. When the Spanish explorer first came here in 1540, he sent two of his men to the canyon for research. He told them: "Go there and quickly inspect." Quick look around! No wonder they will never return. They just die there, as long as they have a "look around." You see, the Spaniards never imagined even something so big, so they cannot guess its real size. In any case, we are probably going to spend several days here, but we have not yet decided what we will do after this. See you in a couple of weeks. Love, Mike.
1) Edinburgh is sometimes called as the Afins of the North
2) the Princess street is separated New Town from the Old town.
3) the Edinburgh castle is situated inn the Edimburgh and attracts lots of tourists every year
4) the Castle attracts tourists because it is looking like a castle from Disney cartoon and has got very old history.
5) the Royal mile is the main street in the Old town, where all the main attracts are situated.
6) the monument to Bobby is situated in the New town
7) a lot of things make Edinburgh attractive, for example: the Edinburgh Castle, the Holyrood palace, the Princess street, the monument to Sir Walter Scott and the festival of military music the Military Tattoo
8) the Holyrood palace is a summer residence of the Queen
9) They play the military music (the Military Tattoo festival, usually begins at the end of August and finishes at the middle of September
10 the monument to Sir Walter Scott is for 60 meters high!