Человек которым я горжусь.
Мою маму зовут (напиши как её зовут) . Она очень добрая нуждающимся, и умеет почти всё! Она очень вкусно готовит, умеет шить и вязать , и умеет делать даже мужскую работу, но самое главное то , что она понимает меня и поддерживает в нужный момент. Я рада что у меня именно такая мама, и очень её люблю. Она тот человек которым я горжусь!
перевод:The person I'm proud of.
My mom's name is (write her name). She is very kind, helps those in need, and can do almost everything! She cooks very tasty, knows how to sew and knit, and even knows how to do men's work, but the most important thing is that she understands me and supports me at the right time. I am glad that I have just such a mother, and I love her very much. She's the person I'm proud of!
можно лучший ответ
Turns out watching your tongue should apply to more than just your words. There’s a lot that doctors—and you—can tell about your overall health just by looking at the color, size, and texture of your mouth’s unsung hero.
You already know that your tongue is essential for tasting and digesting food and for articulating speech. But because your tongue is such an integral part of several important bodily functions, paying attention to its appearance and changes can help alert you to larger health issues early. This is one reason your doctor has you stick out your tongue during annual physical exams. And why your dentist may inquire about your hydration or hygiene after one glance at your tongue.