Read the book review .say in which paragraph dan 1give his what happens in the book 2descrides what happens in the book 3giv brief information about the book and its author
читать книгу отзывов. Скажем, в котором пункте дан 1 дают его, что происходит в книге 2 descrides, что происходит в книге 3 GIV краткой информацией о книге и ее авторе
Today is my birthday.My parents will take presents to me.I think the best present it is a money.I can shop with that money any thing.Because present dont no take and a money you can save any thingI dream about the laptop as this computer but portable.And if I was given money I'd probably be able to start saving for your dream.It is unlikely parents will learn about your dream and buy the laptop and they will not be asked about what you want for your birthday after all, a gift should be a surprise.Because money is the best gift.Everybody dreams about money.Because they much you can buy everything except love,hope and faith.But you can buy many necessary things.And I really want to get a present from parents for money.
Dear Victoria, Hello from England! You wanted to know about my school. Well, I go to primary school. I like going to school. There is fun atmosphere in my school and all my class mates are very nice and friendly. My school is not very big but my classroom is comfortable and great. There is a zoo there!We've got a lot of subjects at school. I think it is easy to study in my school. My favourite subjects are Art, English,Maths and Music. I'm good at reading but I am not good at spelling. I hate spelling tests. And I don't like doing my home work. Best of all I like break time. Do you like going to school?Is your school big or small?What are your favourite subjects?Is there a computer class in your school? Write soon, Best regards Jessika
читать книгу отзывов. Скажем, в котором пункте дан
1 дают его, что происходит в книге
2 descrides, что происходит в книге
3 GIV краткой информацией о книге и ее авторе