1. While Kate was washing up Ann was making sandwiches. - одновременно два действия - Present Continuous Active - пока Катя мыла посуду, Анна делала бутерброды.
2. While my mother was cooking dinner I was laying the table.- одновременно два действия - Present Continuous Active - D то время как мама готовила обед, я накрывала на стол.
3. I hope you will have come home from school by 2 o’clock. Future Perfect Active - Я надеюсь, ты придешь домой из школы к 2 часам.
4. I will have finished everything by the time you get back tomorrow. - Future Perfect Active - Ко времени твоего возвращения завтра я уже закончу все дела.
5. We are lying on the beach since early morning. Present Continuous Active - Мы лежим на пляже с раннего утра.
6. Don’t ring her up at 9, she is putting her children to bed. Ring up later. Present Continuous Active - Не звони ей до 9 часов, в это время она укладывает детей спать. Звони позже.
7. My son will be in the fifth form next year. That means that he will learn English.Future Simple Active - Мой сын в следующем году пойдет (будет) в 5 класс. Это значит, что он будет изучать английский язык.
8. On September 26 they will have being married for twenty-five years. Future Perfect Continuous - К 26 сентября они будут женаты 25 лет.
9. The newspaper has come? Yes, Ann is reading it. Present Perfect Active - Газета пришла? Да, Анна ее читает.
10. Have you been here before? Present Perfect Active– Yes, I spent my holidays here last year. – Past Simple Active - Ты был здесь раньше? Да, я провел здесь мои каникулы летом.
1. My colleagues said: "We are having lunch at the nearest café"
2. He asked me: " Don't buy a ticket to London on your way home".
3. She said: "I will head a purchasing department with great pleasure".
4. Michael told me: "I hasn’t been able to ring you up in time".
5. The manager asked me: "Do you know the telephone number of our new employee".
6. At the personnel department they asked me: " Where do you live?"
7. She asked me: "Hurry up as there is little time left before the beginning of the meeting".
8. The chief executive asked us: "What have you seen at the exhibition?"
Jennifer is taller than her sister. Простая сравнительная степень.
Дженнифер выше своей сестры.