Написать 5 предложений о том как животные людям используя эти слова: save people, help people who cannot see, work with the police, work in circus, help farmers, work in space, find people in the mountains, find people after earthquakes.
The main idea of the tale Гауфа Little muck - development of the children's tolerance to other people, developing their ability to empathize with others, in particular, the hero of the piece. In fact, the main hero of a fairy tale by the name of Little muck - ugly dwarf, a favorite target for ridicule of others. But after the story of his life, the attitude of the surrounding boys to dwarf the changes dramatically. As the author writes himself in the end of the piece: «I told my friends about the wonderful adventures of the dwarf, and we loved it, that anybody already had never occurred to him to tease». In the fairy tale Little muck there is an element of magic. This magic shoes dwarf, and magic cane, and magic apples. Data elements give the fairy-tale flavor, seize and captivate the reader. Particularly acute in a fairy tale raises the problem of injustice. After the death of his father, Little muck exiled from home cruel relatives, then becomes a victim of pretending to cats, which is forced to take care of, and finally defamed by jealous servants of the king. In the end, justice prevails, and Little muck gets back their treasures, telling the king and his entourage. At the same time the tale Гауфа Little muck is ambiguous in the educational plan. It turns out that the Little muck not showing nobleness against the king, leaving it for life with ослиными ears: «Treacherous king, " he said, " you pay ingratitude for faithful service, just let him be to you deserved punishment your ugly face. I leave you with these ears that every day they remind you about a Little Flour». The question arises, does read this tale moral development of the child, because it turns out that children are taught cruel revenge on their enemies, and despised of the people around, because they cause a lot of harm. However, despite this fact, the fairy tale Little muck is fascinating, with a detailed and fascinating plot, unusual main character, who eventually seeking justice
2. The fridge was put to the right of the cooker.
3. A new block of flats will be built near the market in three months.
4. Detached houses are bought a long way from the centre.
5. Her clothes will be kept in the wardrobe.
6. The built-in closet was painted light grey.
7. Meg's and Sam's friends were invited to the housewarming party.
8. A glass of juice was offered him.
9. People's houses is furnished in different styles.
10. My uncle's stereo system was shown me.