1. got, saw 2. like 3. is, think, is 4. did you see 5. put 6. can, could 7. is, was, does not work 8. went 9. goes, plays, gives 10. did not do, was 11 came, helped 12. saw 13. sings, could not 14. does, wants 15. gives 16. swim 17. gave, said 18. goes, is, wants 19. has, knows 20. did you have, don't like 21. skated, skied 22. ate, dinn't eat, eats 23. did you drink, drank 24. know, knew 25. likes 26. could 27. are playing - указание на данный момент словом now и процесс, употребляется Present Continuous 28. is, has 29. did 30. is, gave 31. am writing- указание на процесс и определенный момент словами at the moment, употребляется Present Continuous, coul dnot 32. came, had, did, went
It is really so. Knowledge of the English language, you will be able to perceive more than the rest. You can chat with interesting people and simply amaze all your knowledge of another language. And if you're thinking about a career, your English will be very handy.
English increases the ability of the information we all have their favorite hobbies. these can be research, music, computers, health, business, sports, etc. in our time the MEDIA such as the Internet, television and the press, giving almost an unlimited amount of information on any questions. After all, we live in the information age.
1)some 2)much 3)a few 4)a lot of 5)a little 6)much 7)much 8)no 9)a lot of 10)any