1. Passenger trains can be slow or fast. A slow train stops at every station. Fast trains have few stops: they stop only at every large stations.
2. A slow train stops at every station. Fast trains have few stops: they stop only at every large stations.
3. Fast trains have few stops: they stop only at every large stations. So we can call these trains respectively stopping trains and non-stopping trains.
4. Local trains connect points situated not far away from each other, say, a hundred or two-three hundred kilometers.
By a long-distance train you can travel very far- for thousands of kilometers.
5.Sometimes, when traveling a long distance, you have to change trains ( or make a changing), that is get off one train and board another, if there is no through train to the place of your destination.
6. When you are traveling a long distance, it is very convenient to go by an overnight train. Overnight trains have sleeping accommodation: they usually have “corridor cars”, i.e. carriages with separate compartments (they are called sleeping cars, or sleepers).
7. You cannot sleep in these trains: they have only sitting accommodation: very comfortable soft armchairs.
2)our of
1)Tom said that the signal was very poor that day.
2)Helen said that she had bought a new camcorder the previous day
3)John told me not to touch the wire
4)Tina asked me have I had gotten a laptop
5)He asked me what gadget would I buy next
4)She told me to show she my MP3 player.