Your Turn 5 Complete the sentences with true information. Sentence Builder 1 In my country people love 2 I don't mind 3 My friends and I don't like 4 My mum hates 5 I prefer
Person I admire most Mikhail Lermontov.He was born October 15, 1814 in Moscow.Lermontov Russian poet,prose writer, playwright, artist.Lermontov's works marked a new flourishing of Russian literature. A boy of ten Mikhail Lermontov first came to the Caucasus,with whom will be associated all his further biography. Since childhood the future poet was imbued with a special feeling for this land, moreover, the experience of staying there was the first decorated with love. в1828 G. Michael became polupansiona the fourth class of the Moscow the University Noble boarding house, where for about two years gets education before converting pension to school. Here in the manuscript magazine published his first poem,"Indian woman" Lermontov began serving in the hussars, Tsarskoye Selo. For a work of Lermontov, "death of a poet" , was arrested, sent into exile.On the way to the Caucasus, Lermontov stops for a month in Moscow. At the same time the work was written by Lermontov "Borodino" on the anniversary of the battle. During the Caucasian links to the works of Lermontov, flourishes:in addition to the literature he does more painting.Thanks to the petitions grandmother returned to St. Petersburg, is restored on service.For a duel with E. Baranton again exiled to the Caucasus, participate in the hostilities. The lyrics of Lermontov has the property of exclusion, the gravity of eternity. Works of Lermontov's "Mtsyri","Borodino","Hero of our time" "Masquerade","Demon","the Prisoner" is considered one of the best. In Pyatigorsk coming back from the second exile, Lermontov met an old comrade Martynov. He, offended at the cruel joke of the poet, causes Lermontov to a duel. In this duel caught Lermontov's death. Precana but which I admire by Mikhail Lermontov,is his limitless talentthe ability to not when not to sdavatsa even in the most difficult circumstances.
Pushkin and Alexander Griboyedov.Lermontov lived a short but very interesting and eventful life. Turning to his biography, it is possible to find a lot of very interesting facts about the life of the poet, as well as the history and origin of its kind. So, for example, we know that the genus Lermontov came from Scotland, and dates back to the mythical bard-prophet Thomas the Rhymer. In 1613, one of the members of this genus was captured in the capture of Russian fortress and White, among others, the so-called Bielski Germans entered the service of the Tsar of Muscovy. He moved to Orthodoxy and became, under the name Zhivago, the founder of Russian noble family Lermontov. Mikhail knew about their no Russian roots, and dedicated the poem "Desire", he wrote in 1831, his Scottish ancestors. Lermontov featured mad passion for the works of Pushkin. In his poems, novels he sometimes imitated his idol. Lermontov and Pushkin life was like. Duelist, bully and a mocker. The poem "Death of a Poet", written immediately after the murder of Pushkin, shows all the love which the poet had for genius. Symbolically, Lermontov, like his idol Pushkin was killed in a duel, slain enemy bullet. It seems to me that Lermontov, in the last moments of life was proud that he died as great Pushkin.The news of the death of Lermontov different was perceived in society. Some said, "there he and the road" ... the emperor himself said, "Lord, received the news that the one who could replace us Pushkin, killed." Whatever they say, I find in the works of some of the fundamental Lermontov. The issues raised by them in the novels - is the perennial problems of society, and poems of the great poet imbued with a high sense and profound meaning, are easily read and remembered for a long time
In my country people love eat some healthy foods and walking in the park, streets and another things.
I don't mind speak with you
My friends and i don't like lier peoples
My mum hates watch movies about detectives
I prefer to be a good daughter /son