The Elephant Seal. Elephant seals, sometimes called sea elephants, make the same journey not once but…twice a year! From…December to March, the seals go to the warm waters of California to have…their babies. Then they travel to the cold waters of Alaska to find…food. From…April to August, the seals go back to… lose their old…coat…and…grow a new one.
Elephant seals travel a long way — and get a lovely new coat too! Слоны-тюлени, иногда их называют морские слоны, совершают одно и то же путешествие не один, а два раза в году. С декабря по март тюлени отправляются в тёплые воды Калифорнии, чтобы воспроизвести потомство. Потом они направляются в холодные воды Аляски в поисках пищи. С апреля по август тюлени возвращаются в Калифорнию, чтобы сменить старую шкуру на новую. Морские слоны совершают длительное путешествие и заодно приобретают новую шкуру.
I originally booked a hostel called “England Backbackers Inn” and upon arrival I presented my documents relating to my booking and was then aggressively told that I would be staying in “Hong Kong Lucky Hostel” when I asked a member of staff why I was being moved to a new hostel the employee just started shouting in an aggressive manner telling me that I was going to a better hostel and I shouldn’t complain.
After carrying my own bags down 3 flights of stairs we arrived at the Hong Kong Lucky Hostel and I was shown to my very small room, I then informed the staff member that the room I originally booked at England Backbackers Inn displayed rooms with a double bed and nice décor but what I was looking at was a hospital bed, barred window, broken fan and a all-in-one shower over toilet 2ft high basin pod. The staff member walked away and then after 5 minutes came back with another man that choose not to introduce himself and both just started shouting at me telling me I was a trouble maker and that no other person had companied EVER.
I advised the two gentlemen that I would be complaining to the company that I booked the hostel through and that I would be writing a review on tripadvisor and there reply was “so what” and “I don’t care do what you want” …… the conversation became so heated and the men so aggressive that I said I would speak only with the Owner and then tried to shut my room door on the arrogant aggressive young men. After several requests that the Owner speak with me regarding my complaints and absolutely no reply I simply gave up, I had paid for 5 nights in full and the company that I booked through where of no assistance at all.
I had complained of dirty towels, broken fan, broken telephone socket, staff shouting on the mobiles at 3am and so on but none of the complaints were dealt with and just both myself and the staff keep away from one another.
Easily the worst travelling experience of my life.
Elephant seals, sometimes called sea elephants, make the same journey not once but…twice a year!
From…December to March, the seals go to the warm waters of California to have…their babies.
Then they travel to the cold waters of Alaska to find…food.
From…April to August, the seals go back to… lose their old…coat…and…grow a new one.
Elephant seals travel a long way — and get a lovely new coat too!
Слоны-тюлени, иногда их называют морские слоны, совершают одно и то же путешествие не один, а два раза в году. С декабря по март тюлени отправляются в тёплые воды Калифорнии, чтобы воспроизвести потомство. Потом они направляются в холодные воды Аляски в поисках пищи. С апреля по август тюлени возвращаются в Калифорнию, чтобы сменить старую шкуру на новую. Морские слоны совершают длительное путешествие и заодно приобретают новую шкуру.