1. My grandmother is making soup.
2. Nick is sleeping in his bed.
3. My aunt and my uncle are having parties.
4. My little sister is going to the forest.
5. We are writing letters.
6. I am watching wild animals.
7. My father is going to the swimming pool with me.
8. My friends Ann and Tim are playing computer.
9. He is watching TV.
10. It is raining.
Формула для Present Continuous: am/is/are + ing. Чтобы точно уж было видно, что предложения стоят в этом времени, можно в конце предложений приписать (ring now/at the moment - прямо сейчас/на данный момент). Это маркеры времени.
Russian teenagers are often associated with indie or alternative music. They frequently listen to funk, soul and folk music.
Teenagers often meet at musical cafes. Sometimes they visit stand-up shows or street art exhibitions.