До ть мені з контрольною
TASK 1. Choose the correct item.
1. The schools in Great Britain are into several types.
A) divided B) dividing C) divides D) divide;
2. They already a lot of nice photos of the places.
A) has done B) are done C) have done D) are doing
3. They a concert by the 11 formers next season.
A) Show B) will show C) will be shown D) showed
4. Students' notebooks every month by the teachers.
A) Are checked B) will be checked C) checked D) have been checked
5. I promise they to help you with the house.
A) Are going to come B) have come C) will come D)are coming
6. I know what I this summer.
A) ‘m going to do B ‘ve got to do C) will do D) shall done
Task 2. Fill in the correct form of the verb.
1. This morning I ... (do) a lot of useful things.
2. The country... (wash) by the Black Sea.
3. This book ( buy) by my sister.
4. I think they ... ( not/ go) to Kyiv next week.
5. The story ... ( tell) by my best friend today.
6. These flowers ... (grow) in some Asian countries.
Task 3. Read the text and choose the correct variant.
The full name of the country the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland. The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles
consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and a great number of
small islands. Their total area is over 314 000 sq. km. The British Isles 1
from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The
western coast of 2Great Britain is washed 3 the Atlantic Ocean
and the Irish Sea. Northern Ireland occupies one third of the island of Ireland. It
borders on the Irish Republic in 4 south. The island of Great Britain
consists of three main parts: England (the southern and middle part of the island),
Wales (a mountainous peninsula in the West) and Scotland (the northern part of
the island).
There are no high mountains in Great Britain. In the north the Cheviots
separate England from Scotland, the Pennines stretch down North England
along its middle, 5 Cambrian mountains occupy the greater part ofWales and the Highlands of Scotland are 6 tallest of the British
mountains. There is very little flat country except in the region known as East
Anglia. Most of the rivers flow into the North Sea. The Thames is the deepest
and the longest of the British rivers. Some of the British greatest ports 7
situated in the estuaries of the Thames, Mersey, Trent, Clyde and Bristol Avon.
Great Britain is not very rich in mineral resources, it has some deposits of coal
and iron ore and vast deposits of oil and gas that 8 in the North Sea.
The warm currents of 9 Atlantic Ocean 10 the climate of Great
Britain. Winters are not severely cold and summers are rarely hot. The population
of the United Kingdom is over 58 million people. The main nationalities are:
English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish. In Great Britain there are a lot of immigrants
from former British Asian and African colonies. Great Britain is a highly
industrialized country. New industries 11 developed in the last three
decades. The main industrial centres are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds,
Liverpool, Glasgow and Bristol. The capital of the country is London. The United
Kingdom is 12 parliamentary monarchy.
1 separating separate has
separates are
2 by - with on in
3 - the by some a
4 - the a that any
5 the - an a some
6 are covered Will be
covered be covered havecovered
7 are is has been were have been
8 are is were was have
9 a the - an these
10 influence influenced are
influencing Was
11 are has been were have been is
12 the a - some any
Task 4. Change the Active Voice into the Passive Voice.
1. We have already planted a lot of beautiful flowers.
2. This nice man told us how to get to London.
3. I will bring them some food and clothes.
4. The boy takes the post every Tuesday.
5. These people do not usually sell fruits to others.
6. We didn't ask them to clean the room.
лес далеко от города, и когда бедные угнетались богатыми, он им, давая им пищу и кров. Шерифы пытались арестовать его, но не преуспевает в этом.
Однажды, шериф Н. решил организовать соревнования по стрельбе для того, чтобы поймать его, потому что он знал, что Робин Гуд был очень хороший выстрел и был уверен, что он будет принимать участие в конкурсе всеми средствами. Призом была Золотая стрела.
Узнав о предстоящем конкурсе Робин Гуд собрал своих мужчин и обсуждали, следует ли им принять в нем участие. Наконец было решено, что хотя риск участия в конкурсе было здорово, они все должны пойти, Робин Гуд среди них.
В день конкурса было нормально и понятно. Город был украшен флагами, и поле для конкурса была полна народу. Шериф посмотрел на Робин Гуд и его люди везде. Он знал, что они были всегда одеты в зеленое. К его разочарованию, однако, он не мог найти никого, кто выглядел похожим на них. Победителем конкурса стал парень, одетый в красное, приехавший из деревни с целой компанией молодых людей.
После получения приза парень покинул город, и никто никогда не думал, что это был Робин Гуд. Оставляя город Робин Гуд выпустил стрелу сквозь шерифа открытое окно. Там лежал листок бумаги, прикрепленный к ней с следующими словами: "Робин Гуд шерифу за золотую стрелу."