Ну, ничего сложного здесь нет. Present Continuous - это длительное настоящее время, то есть то, что происходит на данный момент или то, что запланировано на ближайшее будущее:
2) We are not going skiing this winter (ближайшее будущее)
3) Are they watching the news? (на данный момент)
4) Julie isn't enjoying the film (на данный момент)
5) I am not wasting time! I'm working! (на данный момент)
6) Where are you going on holiday? (ближайшее будущее)
7) Are you seeing the dentist tomorrow? (ближайшее будущее)
8) Why are they smiling? (на данный момент)
9) Everyone is having a great time (на данный момент)
10) She is studying economics at college (на данный момент)
Задание простое, нужно было всего-то к глаголу добавить окончание -ing и вставить нужный глагол to be, то есть (am/is/are). Тут по сути даже не нужно знать в каких случаях мы используем Present Continuous.
There are many big and small libraries everywhere in our country.
They have millions of books in different languages. You can found the oldest and the newest books.
Every school has a library. Puplis come to the library to take books on different subjeckts. The school library, where Oleg studies is good. It is a large clean room. There are four windows in it. The walls are light blue. There are a lot of shelves full of books. You can found books on literature, physics, history, chemistry geografy, biology and other subjeckts. There are books in English too.
On th walls you can see pikturies of some great writers and poets.
Перевод: Повсюду в нашей стране есть множество библиотек. Там находятся миллионы книг на разных языках. Вы можете найти как самые старые, так и самые новые книги.
В каждой школе есть своя библиотека. Ученики приходят туда чтобы взять книги по разным школьным предметам. Библиотека в школе, где учится Олег, очень хорошая. Это огромная чистая комната. Там четыре окна. Стены голубые. Там стоит множество книжных полок. Вы можете найти книги по литературе, физике, истории, химии, географии, биологии, и по другим предметам. Там также есть книги на английском.
На стенах вы можете увидеть портреты некоторых замечательных писателей и поэтов.
Fill in : intelligence, false, shrink, connect, plugged in, bestowed, generosity, selfishness, virtually, determination, crashed, impact, artificial, inherited, outlook.
1.You can connect to the Internet simply by clicking here.
2.I lost a day’s worth of work when the system crashed.
3.The music started as soon as he plugged in his CD player.
4.A person’s language skills is often an indicator of the intelligence.
5.If you have drive and determination you can achieve anything.
6.Thanks to my parents’ generosity I was able to buy a car.
7.The brave soldier was bestowed the George Cross.
8.Harry inherited his father’s firm when he finished university.
9.The earthquake had a huge impact on the local economy.
10.They are sisters, not twins but they are virtually identical.
11.The outlook from the top of the mountain was amazing.
12.Ann always thinks of others before herself selfishness is not in her nature.
13.Some clothes will shrink if you wash them in very hot water.
14.There have been many advances in artificial intelligence over the years.
15.He also had "several front teeth missing in the upper jaw", but sometimes wore false teeth.