1. It's too late to telephone Tom now. I think I will call him in the morning. 2. I am reading an English book now. It is so interesting that by the end of the day I will have finished reading it 3. I don't know what he thinks about it, but I will ask him. 4. They won't have settled all the problems by the end of the meeting, I am afraid. 5. Susan won't have left the house before her husband comes home. 6.I am coming to London tomorrow; I will phone you when I arrive.(хотя можно и will come) 7. We'll go skiing in the Alps next winter if we have saved enough money for the trip. 8. The dog will wait for his master near the door until his master gets back from work. 9. I can't meet you this evening. A friend of mine is coming to see me. 10. By the beginning of next month the firm will have been functioning for four years. 11. Don't worry. I will switch off all the lights in the house when I go to bed. 12. When Jerry enters a Medical school he Chemistry will have been studying for more than four years. 13. She is not sure if she will find his telephone number in the telephone directory. 14. Where are you going to work after you graduate from the University? 15. Don't wait for him, he won't come for supper; he will come late.
I want to tell you about ladybugs. They are the most popular bugs in many countries. Ladybugs are little bright and very beautiful beetles. The can fly. They are red, yellow and orange. They are able to give some orange liquid - milk. That's why they are called ladybugs. They live from one month to one year. Their milk has got a pungent and disgusting smell, so nobody eats ladybugs. In ancient times people considered that ladybirds were sacred because they destroyed depredators. And appetite of these bugs is really good. Can you imagine that one pair of the ladybirds for the life eats the whole army of pincers, about 4000! People grow these bugs on special farms in the USA. There is a special profession - the collector of ladybirds in the USA. Another interesting fact is that in 1927 the USSR bought in Egypt some bags of ladybirds.
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