Перевести из прямой речи в косвенную согласно правилам «Косвенной речи английского языка доставлять) machinery to that freezing port?” my friend asked.
3. “What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?” my friend asked.
4. “Why is the ship increasing her speed?” one of the passengers asked.
5. “Where can I get this book?” I asked.
2. The country is made up of fifty states. - How many states are there in the USA? How many states is the USA made of?
3. The British Parliament consists of two chambers. - How many chambers are there in the British Parliament?
4. The economy is showing the strengthening of its own internal market. - What is the behavior of the internal market in relation to the economy? What is the economy showing?
1. Agriculture is also developed in the country. - Who develops agriculture in the country? What is also developed in the country?
2. Russia is facing the problems now. - What are Russian problems? What is Russia is facing now?
3. The United States of America has vast economic, political and military influence. - What kind of influence does the United States of America have?
4. The United States of America (or America) occupies most of the southern part of the continent of North America. - What part of North America does the USA occupy?