The world's greatest international sports games are known as the Olympic Games. The Olympic idea means friendship, fraternity and cooperation among the people of the world. The Olympic Movement proves that real peace can be achieved through sport. The Olympic emblem is five interlinked rings: blue, yellow, black, green and red. Any national flag contains at least one of these colours.
Самые известные в мире спортивные игры - Олимпийские. Идея игр - дружба, братство и согласие народов мира. Олимпийское движение доказывает, что мир может быть достигнут благодаря спорту. Олимпийская эмблема - пять переплетенных колец: голубое, желтое, черное, зеленое и красное. Флаг любой страны имеет хотя бы один из этих цветов.
The original Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C. These games were part of a festival held every fourth year in honor of God Zeus at the place called Olympia. It was a great athletic festival, including competitions in wrestling, foot racing and chariot racing, rowing and others. The games were for men only. Greek women were forbidden not only to participate but also to watch the Olympics.
В первый раз Олимпийские игры были проведены в Древ-ней Греции в 776 году до н. э. Они были частью фестиваля, проводящегося каждый четвертый год в честь бога Зевса в Олимпии. Это был грандиозный спортивный праздник, включавший в себя соревнования по борьбе, бегу, езде на колесницах, гребле и др. К играм допускались только мужчины, женщинам запрещалось не только участвовать, но и наблюдать.
1. If I had a car I would drive to my office every day.
2. Gregory would have gone on a boating trip to Lake Michigan if he had been free.
3. Lora was not in school yesterday. She may have had an accident.
4. He said he could manage for the time being but he would need some help later.
5. Bet was supposed to be home at 7 o'clock. She must have forgotten about Sarah’s visit.
6. Where do you think he is today? He may have slept late.
7. Lora missed her classes today. She might have fallen ill.
8. Robert arrived without his book. He could have lost it.
9. Mary received a warning for speeding. She shouldn't have driven so fast.
10. His car stopped on the way to the bank. It may have run out of petrol.