In what circumstances, faced by our society, distance learning is simply necessary. As for my attitude to distance learning, it is neutral. On the one hand, I can allocate my time as it is convenient for me. Except that I can correct and adjust my marks. Well, on the other hand, there are many disadvantages to distance learning. At school, we used to spend a lot of time with our classmates, teachers, and friends. We can fully enjoy the lessons that we like. now, in such a warm time of year, we would play at physical education, on the street, laughing with the guys and frisk around the school after lessons. At the moment, I miss my classmates very much, and I would like to spend more time with them. I hope that the whole situation will end soon and we will be able to see each other again.
Marie is a single mother that her little daughter Charlie.When she introduced the girl to their new cook, a Negro named Mr. Church, the child was not delighted. But over time, a good-natured black man found his way to Charlie's heart. He was special, read a lot, cook tasty and could play the Guitar. Pretty quickly, Mr. Church began becoming not just a cook, but a family member and a father who was needed. Years went by the girl grew up and entered University, and here it became clear that her mother has cancer, and she will die soon. Church on this stage very strongly supported morally and materially both. But after Marie died, their paths diverged.Later some time Charlie got pregnant. And in a serious relationship she is, and hence a single mom. The situation is aggravated by the fact that she has nowhere to live. In this difficult situation again assistance was provided by Mr Church
Marie is a single mother that her little daughter Charlie.When she presented the girl a new cook,a Negro named Mr. Church, the child was not happy. But eventually good-natured chernokozhiy found a way to the heart of Charles. He was a special, read a lot, cook and play the Guitar. Quite quickly Mr Church began is not just a chef, and a member of the family and the father that was necessary. The years went by the girl grew older and entered Univerisity, and then it turned out that her mother has cancer and she will die soon. The Church at this stage is very strongly supported morally and financially both. But after the death of Marie they parted ways.Some time later Charlie got pregnant. And in a serious relationship she is, and sootvetsvtenno will be a single mom. The situation is aggravated by the fact that she has nowhere to live. In this difficult situation again assistance was provided, Mister Church