Slow Food is an international organization that was founded in 1989 in Italy. The movement’s main aim is to preserve regional cuisines and fight against the globalization of food products. As the name of the organization (1) , it strives to be in opposition to fast food restaurants and products. Since it was founded, the organization (2) more than 100,000 members.
It all began in Rome in 1986, when a group of activists protested (3) the opening of a new McDonalds next to the Spanish Steps – one of the most famous landmarks in the city. Three years later, the founding manifesto of the international Slow Food movement was signed in Paris. (4) the last 30 years the organization has grown so much that it now has offices in 150 countries.
Clearly, although we live in times when everyone is in a constant hurry, the idea of high quality food products, served in a nice and quiet atmosphere, appeals to many people. And it is attracting more and more restaurants, retailers and vendors. Let’s hope that by the time we grow old, Slow Food (5) __ at least as popular as fast food is today.
1 A. suggested B. will suggest C. is suggesting D. suggests
2 A. attracted B. has attracted C. did attract D. will attract
3 A. over B. for C. under D. against
4 A. Over B. For C. On D. Just
5 A. will have become B. will be becoming C. becomes D.became Очень
Собаки занимаются спортом. Одни собаки играют в догонялки,другие плавают. В
Аляска, cdogs знамениты тем, что принимают участие в гонках на санях с их участием.
владельцы. Но собаки не должны играть в человеческий спорт. У собак есть свои
собственный спорт, чтобы играть. Выставки собак - это разновидность собачьего спорта. Собаки могут победить
на разного рода конкурсах. Они перепрыгивают через заборы и ползают
по туннелям. Собаки любят спорт, как и люди. Им это нравится
работа yto действительно хороша в их спорте. Они даже наслаждаются этим
они выступали перед своими поклонниками.