Read the text about Rome and London and fill in the table.
Rome is the capital of Italy and London is the capital of England. Rome and London are two of the greatest cities in the world, but they are two very different cities. London is bigger than Rome with a population of 9,787,426 people compared to Rome’s 2,645,907. And of course the other big difference between the cities is the climate. Rome is warmer than London. The average temperature in Rome in summer is 24 °C and in London it’s 18 °C. In winter the average temperature in London is 4 °C and in Rome it’s 10 °C. But the cities also have many things in common — they both have an underground railway, although the underground in London is bigger, and they also have many interesting monuments. They both have important cathedrals, St Peter’s in Rome and St Paul’s in London. Tourism is an important industry for Rome and London and millions of tourists come to both cities from all over the world every year.
1. The Internet - allows us to have access to all kinds of information, for entertainment and educational purposes.
2. Online payments - it's now easy to pay bills and order items online without having to queue.
3. GPS (Global Positioning System) - can be used for determining a position and getting from one location to another.
4. Tele-robotics that can be used in assisting medical surgeries and making our lives easier.
5. Vaccines - every year there's more vaccines that help us prevent diseases that are dangerous.