Это довольно сложная тема.
Смотри, при преобразование прямой речи в косвенную, прямая речь преобразуется в время.
То есть, Present Simple (настоящее простое)→ на простое):
Present Continuous→Past Continuous
Past simple→Past Perfect
Present Perfect→Past Perfect
Past Perfect→Past Perfect
Past Continuous→ Past Perfect Continuous
(Future Simpe)Will→Would(Future -in-the past)
Must/have to→Must or had to
Ought to→Ought to
Present Perfect Continuous→Past Perfect Continuous
Например: ''I love you''- Nastya said ---- She said that she loved me( Prasent Simple на Past Simple)
Впереди всегда ставится To be( she, he,they,we...) said/told/ask
Told используется когда к кому-то обращаются. Например: She told me/us/them/her/him that she had called the day before.
Ask используется в вопросительных предложениях. Например: He ask,'' Did you study?'' преобразуется в He asked me if I had studyed.
При преобразовании вопроса в косвенную речь He/she/they asked me if ( формула) добавляется I had studyed( не как вопрос did you study?, мы должны преобразовать этот вопрос в утвердительное предложение, то есть did you study? ---- I studyed и уже его изменить на косвенное предложение I studyed( Past Simple) --- I had studyed( Past Perfect)
Не обязательно ставить везде that, так просто проще для понимания
Так же есть слова которые тоже изменяются и их нужно заучить,запомнить
Прямая речь Косвенная речь
today that day
now then/at the moment
yesterday the day before
... day/year/month ago ... day/year/month before
last week/day/year the week/day/year before
next week/day the following week/day
tomorrow the next/following day
here there
this that
these those
ago previously/before
tonight that night
I would like to live in a one-storey house somewhere in the beautiful countryside. This is how I imagine it.
There is a lovely pond and a beautiful garden near the house. In the house there is a spacious kitchen, a cosy living room, three bedrooms and a large bathroom. There is a fireplace in the living room and a few comfortable armchairs. I would like to sit in front of the fire when it is cold outside. There are also lots of bookshelves with books and a big screen TV on the wall in the living room but there are no television sets in the bedrooms.
I want to live in the country because the air is clean there and it is not so noisy and crowded as towns and cities.
dangerous-more dangerous
beautiful-more beautiful
expensive-more expensive