When meeting a patient outside the work environment, it is necessary:
Say hello.
Welcome, kindness, attentiveness, non-verbal
If the patient begins to talk obsessively about problems associated with
health, it is worth it to stop gently and say that it is necessary
discuss at the reception.
In communication, you need to monitor your facial expressions and gestures:
eliminate excessive gestures and ambiguous facial expressions
(rolling eyes, facial expressions showing disrespect for emotions and
feelings of the patient).
Remember your professional role.
The medical worker must say goodbye to the patient in a polite manner
During the performance of their duties, medical
the employee must understand that the sole purpose of their implementation is
the provision of medical care or services necessary for the patient. therefore
1. Ignoring patient questions.
2. Ignoring the presence of the patient.
3. Commenting on your workload or temporary
reception restrictions.
4. Showing emotions about your own well-being
and the effect on him of the presence of the patient.
5. Comment on the actions of other specialists and medical
workers, even if any flaw is obvious.
6. Raise your voice.
7. Comment on the patient’s appearance, its characterological
8. Leaving the patient in the office alone, without sufficient
for good reason.
9. Interruption of the reception for personal reasons of a medical worker,
in case of emergency - apologize.
10. Using the patient as an assistant in the delivery process
medical assistance is not permitted in any case (e.g.
calling a patient from the queue by another patient, searching for information in
folders of test results, etc.)
11. Discussion with the patient of his colleagues, an indication of errors in
treatment and incompetence of other specialists.
12. Solving personal issues of the patient.
13. When meeting a patient, it is necessary:
Introduce yourself.
Find out the name of the patient.
You should talk with the patient, looking at him, in a pleasant voice, in
calm manner with the following rules:
In a conversation it is necessary to ask questions correctly, briefly and specifically.
The principles of goodwill must be used,
attentiveness, non-verbal openness (do not sit
arms crossed on the chest, it is desirable to smile).
Listen to the answers to the end.
Provide information necessary for the patient, as part of the job
duties in the form most accessible to the patient, taking into account his
age and intellectual characteristics.
In communication, you need to monitor your facial expressions and gestures:
exclude excessive gestures and facial expressions showing
disrespect for the emotions and feelings of the patient (rolling eyes, etc.).
Recommendations should be made in a patient-friendly manner, avoiding
specialized and incomprehensible words for him.
If the patient "goes away" during communication, gently stop,
focusing on the important.
Remember your professional role.
The medical worker must say goodbye to the patient as much as possible
polite form. Access to a patient of any age is permissible only
in a polite manner.
Concluding the reception, it is necessary to ask the patient whether
he still has questions, if so, then answer them.
Boxing is a martial art that has preserved the tradition of uncompromising fist fights, depicted in cave drawings and paintings on the vases of ancient civilizations of Africa and Greece. Fist fights as a distinctive national games and valiant fun, where victory brought not strength, but skill, was widespread in Russia. The Olympic history of Amateur Boxing contains many gold, silver and bronze pages dedicated to domestic Champions that brought fame to this sport. Boxing is a sharp combat, where required will, concentration, split-second decisions and precise actions. The ring teaches boys, boys and men masculinity, to overcome fatigue, uncertainty, fear, pain, physical and mental stress. Boxing can anyone, regardless of physical qualities, height, weight, body proportions; boxers claim that Boxing is incapable of not. Anyone can achieve great results! The best age to start Boxing — 12-13 years. To become a boxer you must be aware of the logic of Boxing, the sense of physical and psychological martial arts, the value of high quality equipment and wrestling tactics in the ring.
2) yes, i can see it in my window
3) sometimes, when i have nothing to eat
4) yes, its algebra , its to hard , all thats numbers and formuls...
5)No, i dont see that yet , but thats bad
6)no, its creepy
7) i dont know , i dont like reading , but <how to train your dragon> very good cartoon.
8) at the stadium
9) I dont think so