.John said they couldnt take photos.The camera was being repaired. Они не могут сделать фотографии потому, что камера СЕЙЧАС в ремонте, здесь согласование времен в косвенной речи и группа Continuous, поэтому Past Cont/ да еще Passive, потому что камера не сама себя ремонтирует.2.When they arrived home the walls of the dining room were being painted. - страдательный залог, потому что стены оклеивались прямо в тот момент, когда они приехали и не сами.3.We couldnt get inside.The floors were being washed. Они не смогли войти внутрь, так как в ЭТО время полы мылиопять Passive Voice! 4.Computer games were not played when I was your age.опять Passive Voice! потому что в игры еще не ИГРАЛИ, когда он был маленьким.5.Last summer this edition of the novel was not sold.опять Passive Voice! потому что летом это издание романа еще НЕ ПРОДАВАЛОСЬ.6.When Mr Brown phoned,the article still was being translated.опять Passive Voice да еще Continuous потому что, когда он позвонил, эта статья ВСЕ ЕЩЕ ПЕРЕВОДИЛАСЬ!7.When I lived in Germany,newspapers were brought to us early in the morning.опять Passive Voice! потомму что, когда он жил в Германии, газеты ПРИНОСИЛИ по утрам.8.I entered the hotel at 8.Everybody was busy.Rooms were being prepared for the arriving guests.опять Passive Voice!да еще и Continuous потому что, когда он прибыл в отель, все БЫЛИ ЗАНЯТЫ, комнаты ГОТОВИЛИСЬ к приему гостей.
1. Moscow is … capital of Russia.
b) the
2. ... Australia is ... world's largest island and its smallest continent.
b) - , the
3.The highest mountains are ….. Alps.
a) the
4. What is … longest river in the world?
b) the
5. ... California is one of ... most attractive places in ... USA.
c) - , the, the
6. Where is … Everest situated?
c) -
7. ... Volga is ... longest river in ... Russia.
b) the, the, -
8. We live in … France.
a) -
9. The USA stretches from ... Atlantic Ocean in ... east to ... Pacific Ocean in ... west.
a) the, the, the, the
10. __Asia and Africa are continents.
a) --, –
11. ... Canada is situated in ... North America.
c) - , -
12. The three main parts of ... GB are ... Scotland, ... England and ... Wales.
c) - , - , - , -
13. ... UK is an island state.
c) the
14. The highest mountains are ….. Alps.
a) the
15. Many ships come to ... London along ... river Thames.
c) - , the
16. The capital of ... United States of America is ... Washington D.C.
a) the, -
17. The Civil War was fought between North and ___ South.
c) the, the
18. …. Tverskay Street is the central street of Moscow.
b) ---
19 …. Russia is the biggest country.
a) –
20 ___north of Scotland is known for its wild beauty.
c) the
21. Are___Urals higher or lower than___Alps?
b) the, the
22. __Red Sea separates Egypt from Israel.
c) the
23. The chief cities are ... New York, ... Chicago, ... Boston, ... San Francisco.
b)- , - , - , -
24. _ Thames is a short river.
b) the
25. People coming to London often do shopping in ___Oxford Street.
a) --
Объяснение:1.who is he?
2.where is he?
3.what does he wear?
4. Why is he tired?
5.How long to fly to Mars?