1.Skilled - good at doing something ;
2.Custumer service - the department that takes care of people who buy products or servisces ;
3.An architect - someone who designs buildings ;
4.Creative - able to use original ideas to create something ;
5. Famous - known by many people ;
6.A partner - someone who owns part of a business ;
1. Skilled(Прокаченый, имеет хорошие скилы или тот кто в чём-то хорош) - good at doing something(Хорош в чём-то, в том чтоб что-то делать);
2.Customer service(Отдел обслуживания клиентов) - the department that takes care of people who buy products or servisces(Отдел, который заботится о людях, которые покупают продукцию или услуги компании);
3.An architect(Архитектор) - someone who designs buildings(Кто-то, кто проектирует строения);
4.Creative(Творческий(Например : Человек)) - able to use original ideas to create something(Умение использовать оригинальные идеи, чтобы сотворить(Создать) что-то);
5.Famous(Известный, или тот, у кого есть слава) - known by many people(Тот, кто известен многим людям);
6.A partner(Партнёр(В этом случае - бизнес партнёр)) - someone who owns part of a business(Тот, кто является владельцем какой-то части бизнеса);
1) Where did Koch go to study cholera?
2) What were the consequences of the cholera epidemic?
3) Who did not catch cholera?
4) Who did Koch start his research with?
5) What did he find in the organs of people who had died of cholera?
6) What did the microorganism that Koch found in the people's intestinal walls look like?
7) What didn't Koch manage do with the bacterium?
8) What other place did Koch go to continue his research?
9) What did he find in the dirty water in one of the streets?
10) What conclusion did Koch draw after detecting these bacteria in the water?
11) What was the source of this disease?