Dear (имя друга) Yesterday was Mother's Day. To this day I've been preparing for. I have long opted for a gift to mum, but stopped on the choice of French perfume with the wonderful smell of roses. I also bought my mother's favorite cake "Napaleon" and freshly squeezed orange juice. Which made my eyes. In our huge garden, I plucked red roses and put in a jar. When it was my mother, I kissed her on the cheek. With her eyes flowed with tears. She was delighted. I'll send you photos. And how do you congratulated her mother? Send me a photo report. Good Luck. With love, (твоё имя)
Dear friend!
I would like to congratulate you with a very happy new year. Did you enjoy this past year though? I hope many good things happened for you.
I myself really enjoyed spending this past year with you. We made many good memories together.
This new years let's do something interesting. Maybe throw a big party!
At least that is what I am planning to do. And I would be very happy if your could participate as well!
Would you like something by the way? I want to buy you something special.
Look forward to spending the new years with you this year as well.
Your friend