1. What were you doing at 6:30 yesterday evening?
Например: /I was doing my homework/
2. Were you and your family having breakfast at 7:30 a.m.?
/Yes, we were having breakfast at 7:30 a.m./
3. What were your parents doing at 8:30 yesterday?
/They were watching TV./
4. Were you walking to school at 8 o'clock?
/No, I wasn't. I was going to school at 7.30/
5. Where were you sitting at 9:30 yesterday morning?
/I was sitting in my Russian lesson./
6. Who was sitting next to you in your English lesson last week?
/My friend (имя друга) Irina was sitting next to me in my English lesson last week./
Эти вопросы нужно с партнёром по парте задавать по очереди друг другу, и отвечать на них на уроке. Примерные ответы я написала под вопросами.
SA: Good afternoon, miss, how can I help you?
C:Hi, I am looking for sport clothes, but can't find them.
SA: Let me show you
C: Oh, that will be great
SA: We have recently got a new sneakers, would you like try them on?
C:Yeah, of course!
SA:Which colour do you prefer?
C:White or purple
SA: Here you are, it's the latest version and they are very comfortable. You can combine it with jeans, dresses.
C:Oh, I like it, it's my size! I buy it
SA: Would you like anything else?
C:No, thanks you.
SA:okey, you are always welcome!
p.s SA- shop assistant
C- customer