What is the average life of a human in years?
Какова средняя продолжительность жизни человека в годах?
a 77
What is the approximate population of the planet?
Каково приблизительное население планеты?
d 7 billion
d 7 миллиардов
What is the distance from London to New York?
Какое расстояние от Лондона до Нью-Йорка?
b 5,585 kilometres
b 5 585 километров
How many millimetres are there in a kilometre?
Сколько миллиметров в километре?
b 1,000,000
How many years are there in a millennium?
Сколько лет в тысячелетии?
a 1.000
How much time does the average child in Britain
watch TV every day?
Сколько времени проводит средний ребенок в Великобритании
смотреть телевизор каждый день?
3 hours
3 часа
What distance is a marathon running race?
Какая дистанция является марафонским забегом?
b 42.195 kilometres
b 42.195 километров
How many minutes are there in three quarters of an hour?
Сколько минут осталось в трех четвертях через час?
с 45
What was the year of the first Olympic Games?
В каком году были первые Олимпийские игры?
a 776
What is the number pi (m)?
Что такое число pi (m)?
b 3.142
The text deals with a short circuit situation in electric circuits. It is known that the electric current sharply raises when two or more wires with different electric potential are connected. It should be noted that a short circuit may be very damaging for the equipment involved. It is reported that a short circuit may cause a fire. Much attention should be paid to the diameter of connecting wires that can be heavily overloaded. It is stressed that fuses or other means of protection should be used in any circuit where a short circuit situation may occurr. Thus, all possible measures should be taken to avoid a short circuit.