Сейчас школу можно назвать моим вторым домом. Она занимает значительное место в моей жизни. Именно школа больше всего влияет на распорядок моего дня, то, чем я занимаюсь. Именно в школе я общаюсь с друзьями-одноклассниками, на уроках узнаю много нового и интересного. Моя школа не новая, ей больше двадцати пяти лет. Это трехэтажное светло-серое здание прямоугольной формы. Младшие классы учатся на первом и втором этаже, а старшеклассники в основном на втором и третьем. Классные комнаты в моей школе просторные светлые, с большими окнами и удобными партами. Их стены украшены цветами, картинами, таблицами и портретами выдающихся ученыхNow the school can be called my second home. It takes a significant place in my life. It is the school that most influences the routine of my day, what I do. It is at school that I talk with my friends and classmates, learn a lot of new and interesting lessons. My school is not new, it's more than twenty-five years old. This is a three-storey light gray building of rectangular shape. Junior classes study on the first and second floor, and high school students mainly on the second and third. The classrooms in my school are spacious and bright, with large windows and comfortable desks. Their walls are decorated with flowers, paintings, tables and portraits of outstanding scientists.
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was born on the 26th of May (6 June ), 1799, in Moscow. His was born in a noble family. Pushkin was the greatest Russian poet. He got his education at the lycee in Tsarskoye Selo. He published his first poem when he was fifteen years old . His famous works are Ruslan and Ludmila, Eugene Onegin, The Bronze Horseman, The Captain's Daughter e.t.c. Pushkin made an invaluable contribution to Russian literature. Nowadays his works are read and learned by heart too. His works are well-known all over the world. He is considered to be the father of modern Russian literature. Pushkin died at the age of thirty seven. He died on the 10th of February, 1837. He got a mortal wound in a duel. Georges -Charles de Heeckeren d'Anthes wounded him.
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I played out my family, it was very funny, and then we ate deliciously, we don’t have any traditions on this day, well and good