It is known that there have been numerous ancient civilizations and empires throughout history. They have largely contributed to the development of science, technology, medicine and to the general prosperity of humans. I think that those ancient cultures are the foundation of who we are today.
The Paleolithic Period was the earliest era of human development. People then didn’t worry about many things. They lived a simple life of sleeping, hunting and eating. But as time passed, humans have evolved. Soon, they could build some structures, make some clothing, survive in dangerous surrounding and even use herbal medications. People started seeking for immortality long ago, but were unable to attain it. It was written in the world’s first epic poem about Gilgamesh.
One thing that united all ancient civilizations was the use of symbols or hieroglyphs in writing. Many ancient cultures made inscriptions on walls, rocks or trees to transfer information and to communicate in such way. Although the languages they used are mostly dead, some modern cultures still use hieroglyphs. For example, Hebrew and Arabic alphabets were derived from ancient civilizations.
Mayan civilization is also an interesting example. They are considered to be the representatives of Mesoamerican region. The Maya people were known for their fully developed written language, distinct art, architecture, mathematical and astronomical systems. They even had an advanced calendar, which was used to track certain periods of time.
Many ancient societies worshipped several idols, gods and goddesses. It is especially true about ancient Egyptians. They built huge temples for their beloved gods, sacrificed things, and erected pyramids.
In conclusion, I’d like to add that being so different from us, ancient civilization cultures still used the same patterns of human behavior as modern societies do.
The present world, especially developing countries including India, is facing problems of over-population, poverty and illiteracy. There is tremendous growth in human population at a very fast pace and consequently causing depletion of natural resources day-by-day. The land and the natural resources are limited but the numbers of mouths to feed are going up and up.
Under such circumstances, it is really very difficult task to protect, propagate and strive for place to the wildlife. Thus, realizing the conditions of various sectors of our country particularly socio-economic life, the wildlife must be managed and guided by the efficient and intensive land-use concept.
We should propagate the wildlife through the concept of various ways by educating and motivating the public taking economical benefits from the wildlife, the renewable natural resources, for the common mass. This is possible through the concept of multiple-use of the land. Hence, multiple-use concept means that the resources not only keeping in only one use, should be utilized or used in multiple uses or directions so that maximum productions or benefits may be taken from it.
The soil is the most important resource of this earth. We cannot imagine life without it. If soil is used only for agriculture, horticulture and forestry, there will be only one type of production at a time; but if it is utilized for multiple-uses, we will get more than one production at a time.
For example, if in the lands suited for agricultural crops, the fast growing trees (forest crops) are planted on bunds (which remain vacant) then we will get fuel food, fodder for livestock, wood for agricultural implements, poles etc. in addition to the agricultural crops.
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